GOMGLBL facility

GOMGLBL is an optional facility intended to help share information between REXX EXECs that run as Operations Manager actions that execute on different Operations Manager servers. The servers can include the main Operations Manager server (OPMGRM1 by default) and any of the action processing servers (OPMGRSn by default).

Although GOMGLBL is intended to be used with Operations Manager, it is not required to run on or use Operations Manager and does not need to be configured unless you intend to use it. GOMGLBL is somewhat similar to the CMS GLOBALV facility, which allows you to define names, assign values to those names, and retrieve the values at a later time. Whereas CMS GLOBALV is restricted to use within a single CMS guest, GOMGLBL provides a similar function across several CMS guests.

GOMGLBL may not be suitable for every environment or you may prefer other techniques for sharing data between Operations Manager servers (such as access to a Shared File System file).

GOMGLBL requires a writable shared segment, named GOMSEG, which all of the GOM workers sharing data must be able to access. The size of the segment depends on how much data you want to share; each megabyte in the shared segment can contain more than 2000 name/value pairs.

Similar to CMS GLOBALV, the names and the values assigned to them can be up to 255 characters in length. The names must be valid as REXX variable names (no embedded spaces, and so on), but the value can contain any character.

Any user ID that will be issuing the GOMGLBL command must have authority to issue a CP diagnostic code DIAG x'0064'. By default, this authority is provided in the NAMESEG GOMSEG option in the user's CP directory entry.