
FROM REXXvarname
Sets the value of the shared variable to the contents of the REXX variable REXXvarname. REXX must be active.
INTO REXvarname
Place the value of the shared variable into the REXX variable REXXvarname. REXX must be active.
VAR REXXvarname
Indicates the name of the shared variable that is to be obtained from the REXX variable REXXvarname. REXX must be active.
VALUE newvalue
Sets the value of the shared variable to newvalue.
NAME sharedvarname
The sharedvarname is the name of the shared variable whose value is to be set and/or retrieved.
Specifies that if the value obtained for the FROM operand exceeds 255 bytes, truncate the value to 255 bytes and perform the set operation anyway.
Does not write error messages to the console.