Using the sample configuration file

You can configure Operations Manager by issuing commands directly on the console of the server running GOMMAIN, by issuing commands to the server using the GOMCMD command, or by using a startup configuration file.

Operations Manager provides a sample startup configuration file named OPMGRM1 CONFSAMP. This file includes commands that prepare your Operations Manager environment. You can use the file OPMGRM1 CONFSAMP as a general guide to compose your own startup configuration file. In addition, Operations Manager provides some examples of rules, monitors, and actions in EXAMPLES CONFSAMP. You can use these as a general guide for your own rules, monitors, and actions. For more information about EXAMPLES CONFSAMP, see Sample files.

After you create your own startup configuration file, specify this file name on the GOMMAIN command in the PROFILE EXEC of OPMGRM1.

The sections that follow describe the possible components of a startup configuration file and shows examples from the startup configuration file OPMGRM1 CONFSAMP.