Defining system options
About this task
After you authorize users and define action processing servers, you want to define the active
options of the Operations Manager system. In the example below, the
options instruct Operations Manager to do the following:
- Treat mixed-case input as case sensitive (MIXCASE Y).
- Define the symbols used for VIEWCON, VIEWLOG, VIEWSPL, and CONFIG files. This example sets the
forward search command to /, the backward search command to \, the repeat command to =, and the
configuration file's continuation symbol as
*Define options to Operations Manager
You may also define other options that affect various components of Operations Manager. These options include:
- Activate or deactivate ESM.
- Specify attributes to apply to held lines in a user's console.
- Specify how schedules are handled during daylight saving time.
- Specify if command level authorization is used.