Preparing GOMGLBL

The GOMSEGDF EXEC is provided to help in defining the GOMSEG writable shared segment. As provided, GOMSEGDF will define a 2MB segment at location 0x6000000 (96MB), which will provide room for 4095 shared variables. The location of the shared segment must be beyond the defined storage of any Operations Manager server (or other CMS guest) that will use it.

About this task

As shipped, the GOMSEGDF EXEC defines GOMSEG as shared, writable, and restricted (RSTD), so that only guests which have a NAMESAVE statement for GOMSEG in their directory entry can use it.


  1. Customize GOMSEGDF EXEC with the appropriate values for your site:
    Note: If you intend to skip a large amount between the end of the defined storage for the Operations Manager servers and the start of the shared segment, review the usage notes about the effects on real storage in the DEFSEG section in the CP Commands and Utilities Reference for your level of z/VM.

    If you require more than 4095 shared variables, each additional megabyte provides for 2048 more. For example, available shared variables = (shared segment size in MB*2048) –1.

    1. From user ID 5697J10F, type:
      'ACC 400 M'
    2. Find the following statement:
      Address 'COMMAND' 'CP DEFSEG GOMSEG 6000-61FF SW RSTD'

      Change any of the following items as needed:

      • Change the address range of the segment location if you want the segment larger than 2MB or located someplace other than 96MB.
      • Remove the RSTD operand if you do not want the segment to be restricted.
    3. File your changes.
  2. Run GOMSEGDF EXEC from a user ID with the necessary privilege class to issue the CP DEFSEG command. By default, this is class E. For example, issue the following command:
    For more information on privilege classes, refer to Configuring Operations Manager.
  3. Run the GOMSEGIN program (GOMSEGIN MODULE) to initialize the segment.
  4. Ensure that all user IDs that will use GOMGLBL have the NAMESAVE GOMSEG statement in their directory entry.
    GOMGLBL is now ready to use.
  5. Log off and restart any user IDs that were updated in step 4.