Usage notes

  1. The VM user ID running GOMMAIN must have PRIV D to operate correctly. For more information on privilege classes, refer to Configuring Operations Manager.
  2. Either USAGE or INCREASE must be specified.
  3. The low and high bound checks are inclusive.
  4. Monitor checking is performed in the following order:
    1. USAGE is checked first. If usage falls within the low and high limits, the ACTION is scheduled for USAGE condition and no further checks are made.
    2. INCREASE is checked second. If a usage increase occurs within the low and high limits, the ACTION is scheduled for INCREASE condition.
  5. The message field passed to the action contains the following fields:
    • &0 — Constant "SPOOL".
    • &1 — The name of the spool monitor.
    • &2 — The action of the spool monitor.
    • &3 — The condition field passed to the action. The valid conditions are USAGE or INCREASE.
    • &4 — The spool usage percentage.
    • &5 — The spool usage percent increase for this monitor.
    • &6 — The spool file usage percentage.
    • &7 — The spool file usage percentage increase for this monitor.
    • &8 — The interval of the spool monitor.
    For more information on action substitution variables, see Using substitution variables in commands.
  6. The value for space utilization percentage is obtained by rounding downward. This value may differ from the space utilization percentage computed from other sources.
  7. The SYSGRP operand and the EXSYSGRP operand are mutually exclusive.
  8. The message field passed to the action associated with the Limit operand value, "lmtactn" contains the following fields:
    • &0 — Identifies the constant LIMIT.
    • &1 — Identifies the constant SPOOL.
    • &2 — Indicates the name of the spool monitor.
    • &3 — Indicates the LIMIT count.
    • &4 — Indicates the LIMIT interval.
    • &5 — Identifies the total number of times that the normal action was suppressed.
    • &6-&n — Specifies the message field passed to the previous processing ACTION.