
Activates or deactivates the use of an external security manager to check for authorization. The startup default is N.
Specifies the class which contains the external security manager profiles for this instance of Operations Manager. The startup default is FACILITY.
ESMPREF prefix
Specifies the prefix for the external security manager profiles for this instance of Operations Manager.
  • (Default) If no value is specified, Operations Manager looks for profiles with a prefix of RKT.OPM without 'GOM.' preceding the prefix.
  • If you specify a value for ESMPREF, Operations Manager looks for profiles with a prefix of GOM.esmprefix. For example, if you specify ESMPREF OPSMGR in the Operations Manager configuration file, Operations Manager will look for profiles with the prefix GOM.OPSMGR.
HLDATTR tttt,a,h,xat,clr
Specifies a time and a set of attributes to apply to "held" lines in a user's console. The startup default is 0060,N,Y,AAI,CAI.
  • tttt — Specifies a number of seconds. Must be a four-digit number. The default is 60 seconds, which is entered as 0060.

    If a "held" line in a user's console has not been responded to within the number of seconds specified, the next four attributes (a, h,, xat, clr) are applied to the line.

  • a — Specifies if the audible alarm is sounded. Values are Y or N. The default is N.
  • h — Specifies if the line is highlighted. Values are Y or N. The default is Y.
  • xat — Specifies the extended attributes applied to the line. The default is AAI. Valid values are:
    • AAI – Leave as-is.
    • ABL – Blinking
    • ARV – Reverse video
    • AUL – Underline
  • clr — Specifies the color applied to the line. The default is CAI. Valid values are:
    • CAI – Leave as-is.
    • CBL – Blue
    • CRE – Red
    • CPI – Pink
    • CGR – Green
    • CCY – Cyan
    • CYE – Yellow
    • CWH – White
Specifies if mixed-case data is treated as case-sensitive data. This option affects command input and user console input handling. The default is Y. This operand is used when:
  • Text matching is specified for rules.
  • Input commands are entered from the OPMGRM1 console or when using the GOMCMD command interface.
  • Input commands are listed in a file, such as the startup configuration file, or specified on the CONFIG command.
  • Text search operations are executed while viewing the results from the VIEWLOG, VIEWCON, or VIEWSPL commands.

To use case-sensitive data, the value for MIXCASE must be set to 'Y'. For example, when DEFACTN uses a COMMAND operand that is processed through the CP diagnose x'0008' interface, case-sensitive data may be sent to z/VM® guests, such as Linux®. However, this data will only be sent as mixed case if the DEFOPTN value for MIXCASE is set to 'Y'. For more information on DEFACTN and the COMMAND operand, refer to Usage notes.

Specifies if the schedule processing time is adjusted when a change in daylight savings time is detected. The startup default is Y.
  • DSTADJ Y causes Operations Manager to trigger schedules (defined with DEFSCHD) strictly by wall clock time.

    When a time zone change causes the local time to move forward, schedules, which would have occurred within the period of time represented by the time zone change, are not executed during the time change. They are executed at their next scheduled execution time.

    When a time zone change causes the local time to move backward, schedules, which should occur within the period of time represented by the time zone change, are executed twice since the specified time occurs twice.

  • DSTADJ N causes Operations Manager to trigger schedules (defined with DEFSCHD) based on the time zone change.

    When a time zone change causes the local time to move forward, schedules, which would have been eligible for execution within the period of time represented by the time zone change, are immediately scheduled for execution at the start of the time change.

    When a time zone change causes the local time to move backward, schedules, which are eligible for execution within the period of time represented by the time zone change, are executed only once. They are not repeated.

Specifies the symbols to use in various components. Each symbol is one character and is positional in the list. If you do not wish to change a symbol, you must input a space. The value may be entered abcde.

The symbols in the list and the defaults are:

  • a — Forward search command character in VIEWCON, VIEWLOG, and VIEWSPL. The default is a forward slash (/).
  • b — Backward search command character in VIEWCON, VIEWLOG, and VIEWSPL. The default is a backward slash (\).
  • c — Repeat command character. The default is the equal sign (=).
  • d — Line continuation character. The default is a plus sign (+).
  • e — Masking character for messages in the Operations Manager log. The default is an asterisk (*).
Specifies that command-level authorization should be used instead of the CONTROL and CONFIG level authorization. If command-level authorization is used, ESM authorization checking must be active.

Specifying AUTHCMD Y activates use of the standard command-level profiles. See the ESM class and Facility class profiles for the list of standard command level profiles.

If AUTHCMD Y is specified without also specifying ESM Y, it has no effect.

The default is N.
AUTHEXT n,n,...,n
Specifies which of the extended command level profile sets (1 - 32) should be used in addition to the standard command level profiles. The default is 0, meaning no authorization extensions are used, only the standard profiles.
Only the profile sets that are listed in the AUTHEXT command are activated. Use AUTHEXT 0 to deactivate all extended command level sets.
Normally when you are using the DEFOPTN command with an ESM and ESM command authorization, it would be a command like this:

If you wish to include the additional functionality provided with extended command level sets, you must add the AUTHEXT command followed by the number of the extended command-level set(s) you want to use. You may choose one or more of the following:

Table 1. Extended command levels
Extended command level set Additional Function

Authorize SUSPEND/RESUME at the resource level. See Table 3 for a list of profiles.

2 - 32 To be determined

Each extension profile set corresponds to a number from 1 - 32. Only the extension profile sets specified in the AUTHEXT command are activated.

You can choose which extension(s) you want to use in your configuration. For example, to use authorization extensions 2 and 4, but not 1 or 3, you would specify this command:

If AUTHEXT is issued without also including ESM Y and AUTHCMD Y, it has no effect. If AUTHEXT specifies an extended command level profile set that is not supported, it has no effect.

The startup default is AUTHEXT 0.

ACTNQCK int,cnt,age
Specifies how the action processing queue should be monitored. The queue is checked every int minutes.

A message to the system operator is issued if the queue contains more than cnt elements or contains an element over age minutes old. Each value for int, cnt, and age must be a four-digit number. If int, cnt, or age are zero, the corresponding checks are not performed.

The startup default is 0015,0100,0060.

FSTORCK int,lvm,svm
Specifies how free storage availability should be monitored, meaning monitoring for the main Operations Manager server (OPMGRM1 by default and referred to as lvm) and each action processing server (OPMGRSn by default and referred to as svm). Free storage is checked every int minutes.

A message to the system operator is issued if the amount of contiguous free storage (in MB) drops below the size specified for the lvm or svm. If 0 is specified for int, lvm, or svm, the corresponding checks are not performed.

The maximum value for lvm and svm is 2047. Each value for int, lvm, and svm must be a four-digit number. The startup default is 0015,0016,0008.

RULELIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFRULE command. The startup value is 1000,300. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFRULE command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
MMONLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFMMON command. The startup value is 0,0. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFMMON command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
SCHDLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFSCHD command. The startup value is 0,0. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFSCHD command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
SMONLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFSMON command. The startup value is 0,0. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFSMON command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
EMONLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFEMON command. The startup value is 1000,300. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFEMON command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
PMONLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFPMON command. The startup value is 0,0. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFPMON command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
IMONLIM count,interval[,lmactn]
Specifies the default LIMIT information for the DEFIMON command. The startup value is 0,0. Refer to the LIMIT operand in the DEFIMON command, which is found in Operands, for additional information.
VCSCGRP vcongrp
Specifies the group name to control the method that VIEWCON uses to communicate with monitored users.
  • If the monitored user is a member of the specified group, VIEWCON will use the guest's simulated hardware system console. This can be used to issue commands to z/OS® guests that have been configured to use the simulated hardware system console.
  • If the monitored user is not a member of the specified group, VIEWCON will use the guest's virtual console. This is the method typically used to send commands to CMS and Linux guests.
The default group name is "_GOMVCSC".
Specifies if the commands can be performed on the system data files using the VIEWSPL command. These include the system files on the *NSS, *IMG, *UCR, and *NLS queues. The startup default is N.