NAME mmonid
- Specifies the name of the machine monitor.
USER userid
- Specifies the user ID of the virtual machine to monitor.
ACTION actnid
- Specifies the name of the action to process to bring the virtual machine to a logged on status. This action must have been previously defined using the DEFACTN command or the built-in action NULL.
- Specifies how often, in minutes, to check the virtual machine status. The default is 1 minute.
- Specifies how long to wait, in minutes, after the monitor is defined to check the virtual machine status. The default is 0 (check immediately).
PARM parm
- Specifies the parameter or list of parameters that is passed to the ACTION when it is scheduled
to run. The value(s) may be entered as parm, but must be enclosed in quotation
marks (
) if there is more than one blank-delimited value. The DEFACTN command can use the parameter through the&p
substitution variable. The parameter is also available to any chained action routine that is defined in theNEXTACTN
- Specifies the days of the week (Monday-Sunday) and if the monitor is checked on holidays. For the monitor to be active on a day of the week and holiday, the corresponding location must contain the asterisk (*) symbol. The default is all days and holidays (********). For information on how to define holidays, see DEFDATE.
HOURS h,h,...,h
- Specifies the hours of the day the monitor is checked. Any value
may appear in the comma-separated list. Up to 24 values may be present. The default is all hours. ENV procenv[,procsys]
- Specifies that the processing environment and system of the action is to be overridden with the values assigned to procenv and procsys. See DEFACTN for more information on overriding the processing environment and system, and valid values for procenv and procsys.
LIMIT count,interval[,lmactn]
- Specifies that the processing of the monitor's ACTION is limited
to count times within interval period
of time. Optionally, this command processes the alternate action specified
by lmtactn if the limit condition is encountered.
- The value for count must be from 0 to 999999.
- When specified as a single positive integer, the value for interval must
be from 0 to 999999 seconds.
You can also use the format of
, which specifies the interval value in days (ddd), hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). The maximum value for this input format is 999-23:59:59.For example, a LIMIT of 4 times in 10 seconds could be specified as:
LIMIT '4,10' OR LIMIT '4,000-00:00:10'
- A value of 0 for count and interval indicates that no processing limit should be applied. If count or interval are 0, both count and interval must be 0, and the lmtactn value omitted. If count and interval are non-zero, the alternate action lmtactn may be specified. The action lmtactn is only processed once if the limit condition is encountered within an interval.
Note: If the LIMIT operand is omitted, the default count and interval are obtained from the DEFOPTN command, EMONLIM operand. SYSGRP groupid
- Specifies that this monitor is only applicable for systems where the local system name is in the group named groupid.
EXSYSGRP groupid
- Specifies that this monitor is only applicable for systems where the local system name is not in the group named groupid.
DEPEND userid,sts
DEPEND userid,sts,conn,userid,sts
DEPEND userid,sts,conn,userid,sts,conn,userid,sts
- Specifies up to three virtual machines and their status before
the monitor is checked.
— Specifies the user ID of the virtual machine to check.sts
— Specifies the desired status of the virtual machine:A
— Active. The virtual machine is logged on (or running disconnected).I
— Inactive. The virtual machine is logged off.
— Specifies the logical connector:|
(vertical bar) — or/exclude&
(ampersand) — and/include
- Specifies the number of times to retry the action if the monitored
virtual machine is not brought to a logged on status. Each
that does not bring the virtual machine to a logged on status is considered a retry. When the number of retries is exceeded, the monitor checking interval is advanced by the number of minutes in theRETRYIVL
operand. This is useful if a virtual machine does not attain or remain in the logged on status. It can reduce the resource consumption used by a continuously failing virtual machine. The default is 0. RETRYIVL n
- Specifies the number of minutes to elapse before the monitor is
checked if the retry is exceeded. If specified, it must be greater
than or equal to
. The default is the value ofINTERVAL