NAme ipcsid
- Specifies the name of the IP session.
USER userid
- Specifies the name of the VM userid providing the IP communications support. On most z/VM systems, this user ID is TCPIP.
APPL applname
- Specifies the name of the Operations Manager processing program. See the Usage notes for available processing applications.
ADDR varname
- Specifies the address or hostname for the connection. The address
format is one of the following:
- The format for IPV4 addresses is a dotted decimal notation,
. - The format for IPV6 addresses is a hex notation,
- If the operand value does not contain an IPV4 or IPV6 address, the value of
varname is passed to name services for IP address lookup. The host name must be a
fully qualified name. A name services IP connection must be defined using DEFIPCS with an APPL value
. It is recommended thatDEFIPCS APPL GOMRSNT
be defined first to decrease DNS lookup time.For APPL values of
, the value of varname inADDR
varname refers to the local system. This is often specified as a null address (
for IPV4 or::
for IPV6) to indicate Operations Manager will accept inbound messages from any IP interface defined for the local system. If the address or host name of an IP interface is entered, only messages from that particular IP interface are accepted.For APPL values of
, the value of varname inADDR
varname refers to a remote system. ForAPPL GOMRSNT
, which is the name lookup support, the ADDR must be an IPV4 or IPV6 value. A hostname is not allowed.
- The format for IPV4 addresses is a dotted decimal notation,
PORT port
- Specifies the port for the connection.
- For APPL values of
, the value of port inPORT
port refers to the local system. - For APPL values of
, the value of port inPORT
port refers to a remote system.
- For APPL values of
SCOPE scope
- Specifies the address scope for IPV6 networks requiring a scope value.
PARM parm
- Specifies the parameter passed to the processing program. The value may be entered as 'parm'.