Translation tables

The syslog data must be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. Three sample ASCII to EBCDIC translation tables are provided on the sample installation disk and may be copied to the OPMGRM1 198 minidisk or any other disk accessed by user ID OPMGRM1, or any other user ID running GOMMAIN. Operations Manager allows the use of any input and output code page.

Table 1 lists the sample tables included in the Operations Manager samples disk 5697J10F 2C2.
Table 1. Sample translation table files
Table file name Description
03330025 SAMPTABL Translation from ASCII code page 00819 to EBCDIC code page 00037
03330417 SAMPTABL Translation from ASCII code page 00819 to EBCDIC code page 01047
0333047C SAMPTABL Translation from ASCII code page 00819 to EBCDIC code page 01148
00000000 SAMPTABL No translation is performed. This sample table can be used when data is expected to be in ECBDIC when received.

IBM also provides many translation tables at Refer to Appendix J for a link to downloadable translation tables. When the download is complete, the file must have fixed records and a blocksize of 256 for Operations Manager to accept the translation table.

The syslog data must be encoded in ISO8 or UTF8 format. If the syslog data is encoded in UTF8, the input is limited to plane0 and plane1 of Unicode.

Copying the sample Operations Manager tables

To copy the sample translation tables provided with Operations Manager, follow the steps below.

  1. Log on to the VM account your installation uses to modify Operations Manager configuration files. Do not use OPMGRM1 or OPMGRS1–4.
  2. VMLINK to the minidisk that contains the samples:
    VMLINK 5697J10F 2C2 < * I RR >
  3. VMLINK to the minidisk that contains the configuration files:
    VMLINK OPMGRM1 198 < * E MR >
  4. Copy the translation tables:
  5. Release and detach the minidisk that contains the samples:
  6. Release and detach the minidisk that contains the samples: