
Issue the CP command to query details of Operations Manager.

Example 1: Use the CP command to display (QUERY) the USERID details.

Figure 1. Example of CP command with USERID operand
08/30/19 06:03:26 GOMCMD0206I  OPMGRM1  AT ZVM6KT02
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 06:03:26                                                                   

Example 2: Use the CP command to display (QUERY) the CPLEVEL details, such as version number and service level, currently being used.

Figure 2. Example of CP command with CPLEVEL operand
GOMCMD OPMGRM1 CP CMD 'QUERY CPLEVEL'                                           
08/30/19 02:07:03 GOMCMD0206I  z/VM Version 6 Release 4.0, service level 1901 (64-bit)                                                                          
08/30/19 02:07:03 GOMCMD0206I  Generated at 07/30/19 14:41:27 CDT               
08/30/19 02:07:03 GOMCMD0206I  IPL at 07/30/19 16:13:18 CDT                     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 06:04:31                                                              

Example 3: Use the CP command to display (QUERY) the USERS details, such as number of users.

Figure 3. Example of CP command with USERS operand
GOMCMD OPMGRM1 CP CMD 'QUERY USERS'                                   
08/30/19 06:06:01 GOMCMD0206I      23 USERS,      0 DIALED,      0 NET
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 06:06:01