Verifying spool files are viewable

About this task

To verify that authorized users can view and purge spool files, follow the steps below.


  1. Log on to an authorized user ID. This user ID must be authorized to view spool files using the VIEWSPL command.
  2. Issue the following command to view the list of spool files on the system:
  3. A full-screen view of the spool files on the system appears. Use PF07 and PF08 to scroll up and down in the list. Use PF10 and PF11 to scroll left and right.
    • To sort the list, place the cursor on a column heading and use PF05 or PF06 to sort ascending or descending.
    • To view the contents of a file, place the cursor on the correct row, and use PF02. When viewing the contents of a file, use PF03 to exit the file and return to the list view. Files noted with an asterisk (*) are still open and not viewable.
    • To purge a file, place the cursor in the command area next to the file and type PURGE. Files noted with an asterisk (*) are still open and can not be purged.
  4. Press PF03 to exit the VIEWSPL session.