DEFACTN DEFACtn NAme actnid Path APath BNEXTACTNactnidNEXTDELY00:00NEXTDELYmm:ssPath A COMMAND command ENV procenv[,envovr[,procsys[,sysovr]]] INPUTSUP1MSK2AAL,ABLAHIARVAUL,CBLCCYCGRCPICRECWHCYE,HLD3 DELAY00:00DELAYmm:ss OUTPUTANLALTUSERuseridALTSECLBnoneALTSECLBseclabelPath BINPUTSUP1MSK2AAL,ABLAHIARVAUL,CBLCCYCGRCPICRECWHCYE,HLD3Notes:1 If the SUP option is specified, no other options are allowed. 2 If the MSK option is specified, no other options are allowed. 3 Separate multiple options with a comma. Figure 1. DEFACTN command syntax