System prerequisites

All system prerequisites must be ready on your system before IBM® Open XL Fortran for AIX® and its documentation can be successfully installed.

  • Supported platform:
    • IBM AIX 7.2 TL5 SP3
    • IBM AIX 7.3
    • AIX 7.3 is supported starting from IBM Open XL Fortran for AIX
    • The compiler filesets are not OS specific. If IBM Open XL Fortran for AIX 17.1.0 is installed on AIX 7.2 TL5 SP3, you do not need to migrate the compiler filesets when the operating system is migrated to AIX 7.3. If an OS-specific fileset is required in the future for a higher level of AIX, it will be identified in a Technote tied to the fix pack that adds support for that version of AIX.
    • To install the compiler on an operating system that is newly supported in a fix pack, you must first install the full version and then apply the fix pack. Fix packs are available for download at Fix list for Open XL Fortran for AIX. To find out the supported versions of Open XL or XL compilers on your AIX operating system, see AIX OS levels supported by Open XL and XL Compilers.
  • Required hard disk space: 250 MB.
    You can use the following command to determine the amount of space available in the default installation location (/opt/IBM/openxlf/17.1.0/):
    df -m /opt

    If you plan to install the compiler to a nondefault location, you can use the following command:

    df -m installation_path

    In this command, installation_path represents the nondefault location.

  • Required filesets: See the Required filesets for installing IBM Open XL Fortran section for details.
  • Required RAM: 2 GB (Recommended RAM: 4 GB or more)
  • Required software for documentation:
    • HTML browser
    • PDF viewer

Required filesets for installing IBM Open XL Fortran

The following filesets must be installed on your system to install IBM Open XL Fortran for AIX 17.1.0.

Fileset name Fileset description Where to get
bos.adt.include Base application development include files AIX OS installation image or Fileset information for bos:adt:include
bos.adt.lib Base application development libraries AIX OS installation image or Fileset information for bos.adt.lib
bos.adt.libm Base application development math libraries AIX OS installation image or Fileset information for bos.adt.libm

At least one of the following locale-specific filesets must be installed on your system. You can find the filesets in your AIX OS installation image or IBM support.

Fileset name Fileset description
bos.loc.LANG Base locale support
bos.loc.pc.LANG Base system locale PC code set
bos.loc.utf.LANG Base system locale UTF code set
bos.loc.iso.LANG Base system locale ISO code set

You can view information about the installed filesets by using the lslpp command. For example, to determine if the required filesets have been installed, use the following command:

lslpp -L bos.adt.include bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.loc.\*
Note: If one of the required filesets is missing, an error message might be generated. An example follows.
MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are required by one or more of the 
selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed and could not 
be found on the installation media.

bos.adt.libm # Base Level Fileset

This message indicates that the bos.adt.libm fileset is required but not installed.

To install a missing fileset, use the following command:

# installp -acXgd installation_path fileset

In this command, installation_path represents the location of the fileset to be installed.

Tip: For an overview of the installation process, see Installation workflow diagram.