Power10 technology exploitation

IBM® Open XL C/C++ for AIX® 17.1.0 adds support for the Power10 hardware platform. Use these enhancements to exploit Power10 technology with IBM Open XL C/C++ for AIX 17.1.0.

Compiler options

Produces code that exploits the features of the Power10 processor. Programs built with this option can only run on a Power10 processor or simulator.
-mmma | -mno-mma
Specifies whether to enable the Power10 MMA feature.
To enable all Power10 features with the MMA feature excluded, enter the following command:
ibm-clang x.c -mcpu=pwr10 -mno-mma
-mpcrel | -mno-pcrel
Specifies whether to enable the Power10 PC-relative addressing feature.
To enable all Power10 features with the PC-relative addressing feature excluded, enter the following command:
ibm-clang x.c -mcpu=pwr10 -mno-pcrel

Compiler macros

Indicates that the application is targeted to run on Power10 processors. The macro is predefined when the -mcpu=pwr10 option is in effect.

MASS libraries

The vector library libmassvp10.a and the SIMD library libmass_simdp10.a contain functions that are tuned for the Power10 architecture.

For more information, see Using the Mathematical Acceleration Subsystem (MASS) libraries.