System file management

The ability to manage system folders and files is essential for information management in IBM OpenPages®.
Using the System Files area of OpenPages you can complete the following tasks:
  • View folders and files
  • Manage folders and files
  • Search for files

Object types

The System Files area of OpenPages contains five types of system files (content file types). Four types are unique system file types, but the fifth type, Files (SOXDocument), can be either system files or non-system files.

The content file types are defined as the following object types in OpenPages:
  • Files (SOXDocument)
  • SysXMLDocument
  • ExporterXML
  • MigrationJAR
  • Report

You manage these object types like other object types in the system.

Table 1. Object types for files
Object type Description and examples
Files (SOXDocument) System and non-system files
  • DefaultTemplate.xlsx (example of a system file)
  • Attachments that users add to objects (examples of non-system files)
SysXMLDocument End user application configuration JSON and trigger configuration files

To view these files, your profile must include the SysXMLDocument object type.

  • The root storage folder contains the _trigger_config.xml file.
  • The TriggerConfigFiles folder contains trigger configuration files, such as:openpages-solutions.xml, OPLC-Incident.xml, and so on.

    The trigger configuration files must also be listed in the Applications > GRCM > Trigger Configuration Files setting. For more information, see the IBM OpenPages Trigger Developer Guide.

  • The End User Applications Config folder contains end user application configuration files such as:
    • IBM OpenPages Loss Event Entry: lossevent_config.json
    • Natural Language Classifiers: the classifiers folder contains JSON files. Each file contains connection information for an instance of a Natural Language Classifier. For more information, see Defining a classifier configuration.
    • RCM Theme Deployer: solutions-rcm.json
  • The Taxonomy folder contains taxonomy files, which are used by IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management.
ExporterXML Notification reports

Expand the _exporter folder to see the files.

MigrationJAR JAR files that are imported by using Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Migration > Import Configuration and exported by using Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Migration > Export Configuration

Expand the Migration Documents folder to see the files.

Example: openpages-env-mig_<timestamp>.jar

Reports JSP files, for example, solution helpers, Command Center redirects, reports, and more

Expand the Reports folder to see the report files.

Example: Reports/SOX/ORM Custom Reports/ORM_IMRBulletin.jsp

Access permissions for folders and files

Not all folders and files are accessible to all users. Each folder and file can have its own set of access permissions that determine which users are allowed to view or edit it. Sensitive or private information remains visible only to selected users, most often to prevent accidental editing or deletion.

Each user can view only the folders and files to which they have access permissions. Each user’s view of the file system can appear differently, although all users are typically working from the same set of data. For example, one user can have access to all folders and files and be able to see all files in the system. Another user can have access to only a limited set of folders and files, which makes the folders and files to which they do not have access uneditable.
Note: The creator of a file is automatically granted all access permissions to that file, regardless of the limitations set by a group or the folder where the file is located.

Access to the System Files menu item

The OpenPages Platform 3 profile includes access to all of the system file types. An administrator assigned this profile has access to all the system files and folders.

Add the ready-to-use OpenPages Platform 3 profile to the list of available profiles for your administrators who manage system files. Using this profile, you have access to the Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files menu items.

If you do not use the OpenPages Platform 3 profile, you can add the system file object types to any other profiles that administrators use. Users must be members of the OPAdministrators user group for the Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files menu item to display.

Version control in the file repository

OpenPages uses version control and file locking in the file repository. When you work in a collaborative team environment, files are checked in and out to ensure that changes made by one team member will not be overwritten by another team member.

When you add a file, a copy of the file is uploaded to the OpenPages file repository. After you add a file:
  • Click the file name to view file details and access multiple versions of the file if they exist.
  • Click Download file icon to download it.

Click Check Out to check out a file.

A checked-out file has the following characteristics:
  • A checkmark is displayed next to the file name. If it is green, you checked it out. If it is blue, another user checked it out.
  • The file is locked and cannot be overwritten in the file repository.
  • Other users can view and download the last checked in version and all earlier versions of the file.

When you check in a file, you can add a comment. After the file is checked in, the file is unlocked and the new version with your latest changes is available to other users to view and check out.

Accessing files and folders

System files and folders are accessed with the Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files task.

Non-system files are accessed with the Attachments > Files task. Users can also add non-system files directly to objects from Task Views.

Table 2. Where to access files
To access this type of file ... Go to ...
Files (SOXDocument) Attachments > Files (non-system files)Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files, such as FastMap templates
SysXMLDocument Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files and then expand the End User Applications Config folder or TriggerConfigFiles folder

To view these files, your profile must include the SysXMLDocument object type.

ExporterXML Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files and then expand the _exporter folder
MigrationJAR Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files and then expand the Migration Documents folder
Reports Open Administration menu Administration menu > System Configuration > System Files and then Expand the Reports folder