Message Queuing Analysis workspace

The predefined Message Queuing Analysis workspace shows such data as 10 different types of request activity, busy TCBs and how the WebSphere MQ connection for message queuing can affect operations in your CICS® environment.

The predefined Message Queuing Analysis workspace contains the following views:

  • Message Queuing Requests bar chart
  • Busy TCBs linear gauge
  • Message Queuing Analysis table view

This workspace displays data provided by the CICSplex MQ Connection Details attribute group.

The Message Queuing Analysis table view provides information about the following items:

  • The status of the MQ connection
  • Busy task control blocks (TCBs)
  • API calls logged for an MQ connection
  • The number of MQ calls that resulted in commits and backouts
  • The number of MQ calls that were successfully completed
  • The counts for specific types of MQ requests, for example, the number of calls applications issued for getting messages from the queue

It also provides a link to the Message Queuing Analysis in 3270 view of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface. When you right-click a link icon in the Message Queuing Analysis table view and select Message Queuing Analysis in 3270, you must enter your terminal session user credentials in the dialog and click OK. A terminal view is displayed within the workspace, with the appropriate details.

Note that this predefined workspace link to a 3270 session has an associated sample script. You should review the script prior to using it in your environment.

You can link to its to the Trans/PGM Statistics by Applid workspace provided by the OMEGAMON for Messaging product's WebSphere MQ monitoring agent, with which you can obtain detailed information about the CICS usage of a queue manager, filtered by the CICS Appl Type and Appl ID columns.

See also: