Intercommunication Summary workspace
The predefined Intercommunication Summary workspace shows such data as the number of connections among the CICS region and the status.
The predefined Intercommunication Summary workspace contains these views:
- CICS® Intercommunication Summary table view that shows such data as the number of connections among this region and others, the average number of transactions executed in 1 minute of elapsed time, and the name of the connection with the highest percentage of ISC links in use.
- Connection Utilization bar chart shows data for the connection
status of a specific CICS region
and provides data about the following connection details:
- Worst MRO Connection Number of Links Defined
- Worst MRO Connection Number of AIDs Defined
- Worst ISC Connection Number of Links Defined
- Worst ISC Connection Number of AIDs Defined
- Worst MRO Connection Percent of Links in Use circular gauge
- Worst ISC Connection Percent of Links in Use circular gauge
This workspace displays data provided by the CICSplex Intercommunication Summary attribute group.
See also: