File Control Data Table Statistics workspace

The predefined File Control Data Table Statistics workspace shows those files that are defined as data tables and provides details related to the file associated with each data table.

The predefined File Control Data Table Statistics workspace contains the following views:

  • Data Table Statistics bar chart: For each file this compares the number of Successful reads, Successful updates, Deletes, Records loaded, Records added, Failing reads, Loads failed for full, Adds loads rejected, and Adds failed for full.
  • Data Tables entries in use bar chart. This compares the current entries in use with the maximum entries allowed in use.
  • File control data tables statistics table view. For each file that is a data table, this shows the data table type, status, whether is it loaded, recoverable or available. It shows the number of lost records, the current number of records, the maximum number of records, and the number that are in use. In addition it shows Successful reads, Updates, Deletes, Records loaded, Records added, Failing reads, Leads failed for full, adds Loads rejected, and add failed for full for each file.

See also: