Active Transactions Summary workspace

The Active Transaction Summary workspace is the primary workspace of the Active Transactions node on the physical navigator tree. It shows an overview of all active transactions running through a CICS TG Gateway daemon or WebSphere Application Server servant regions. From this workspace you can identify if there are performance issues currently occurring and drill down to the Active Transactions Details workspace to investigate individual transactions.

This workspace contains the following views:

  • The Active Transactions Summary for Origin Node table shows a summary of the number of currently active transactions on all CICS TG regions sharing this address space name, including average elapsed time and throughput size.
  • The Average and Maximum Transaction Elapsed Time bar chart shows average elapsed time across all address spaces that share this address space name along with the longest running time for active transactions for each active address space.
  1. Data is present in this workspace only if transaction monitoring has been configured for this CICS TG.
  2. Wiresize data is only available for Gateway daemons.

The Active Transactions Summary workspace is built from the attributes in the CICSTG Active Transaction Analysis attribute group.

See also: