Response Time Details workspace
The Response Time Details workspace shows detailed breakdown of the request and response flows of completed transactions over the past minute as they pass through an individual Gateway daemon or WebSphere Application Server address space. It provides a means of viewing the performance of recent throughput and response time of transactions passing through this address space. The information is based on completed transactions and shows breakdowns of the time spent inside and outside the CICS TG components for the selected address space by transaction status, type and the protocol used in the connection to CICS.
This is a secondary workspace reached by a link in several primary workspaces, including the Transaction Summary For Current Minute table of the Response Time Summary workspace.
This workspace contains the following views:
- The Average Transaction Payload and Wiresize bar chart shows the average transaction payload and average transaction wiresize for completed transactions during the sampling period.
- The Completed Transaction Response Time bar chart displays the average request duration in CICS TG (the inbound flow of a transaction as it passes through the CICS TG), average transaction duration outside CICS TG (the time spent within CICS and any network time between the CICS TG and CICS), average response duration (the outbound or return flow of a transaction as it passes through the CICS TG), and the average time waiting for a Worker thread (only available for Gateway daemon). The graph provides a visual indication of where any delay is occurring.
- The Completed Transaction Response Time Details multi-row table displays a row for each summarized transaction type for this address space. A row will be displayed showing the transaction performance based on unique combination of status (Completed or Failed), type (Synconreturn, ExtendedModeECI or XA) and protocol (EXCI or IPIC) used in the connection to CICS.
The Response Time Details workspace is built from the attributes in the CICSTG Transaction Response Time Details attribute group and CICSTG Transaction Response Time Summary attribute group.
See also: