Attribute groups used by the predefined workspaces

In most cases, there is a one-to-one correspondence between a workspace and an attribute group; in other words, a workspace contains data or columns whose contents are extracted from the attributes in a single attribute group (although there is no such requirement - it is certainly possible for a single workspace to be built from multiple attribute groups and for a single group's attributes to populate more than one workspace).

Table 1 shows the relationships between the predefined workspaces and the attribute groups. The workspaces are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 1. The predefined workspaces and the attribute groups that populate them
Workspaces Related attribute groups
Active Transaction Details workspace
Active Transactions Summary workspace
CICSTG workspace
CICS TS Region Details workspace
CICS TS Regions workspace
End to End workspace
Gateway Daemon Memory workspace
Gateway Daemon Resources workspace
Region Overview workspace
Response Time Details workspace
Response Time Summary workspace
Transaction Analysis workspace
Transaction Flow Trace workspace