Adding or editing a service class
A service class identifies a block of related transactions that share common response time goals for a single workload; the transactions must be related by transaction name, the user ID that invoked them, the VTAM terminal ID (LU name) that submitted them, the CICS region running them, or any combination thereof.
Defining new service classes, associating them with a workload, and setting their response time goals usually compose the second step when implementing the Service Level Analysis support within OMEGAMON AI for CICS.
- Within the Service Classes window, click Create.
The Define new Service Class window is displayed.
- Within the Define new Service Class window, define a name for
your new service class. The name you supply is converted to uppercase.
These are the valid characters for the Service Class name: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and any of the following characters, $ @ # . / - _ % & ¢ ? ! : | = ¬ ; < >. Note, the comma (,) and double-quote (") characters are not valid.
- From the list of available workloads, select the existing workload you want to associate this service class with.
- Within the Response Time area, specify the response time you expect for the CICS transactions associated with this service class.
- Within the Goal area, select one of these options:
- Average
- The average response time for all matching transactions must at least meet the Response Time specified.
- % of Goal
- Specifying a percentage means that the given percentage of matching transactions must at least meet the Response Time specified.
- Click OK.
OMEGAMON AI for CICS provides 31 default service classes (ATRANS through ZTRANS, CSM1, CSM2, CSM3, CSM5, and CSMI). Service classes ATRANS through ZTRANS cover transactions based on the first character of the transaction name. Service classes CSM1, CSM2, CSM3, CSM5, and CSMI cover the transactions with those names.
Changing an existing service class workload or the response time settings
- Within the Service Classes window, select the service class you
want to edit, and click Edit.
The Edit Service Class Base Goal window opens again, and shows the name of the selected service class, the workload it is currently associated with, and its Response Time and Goal areas.
- Here you can redefine this subset of the service class's current
- The workload it is associated with
- Its response time goal: either increasing or decreasing it
- The type of goal for this service class, either average or percentage, and the percentage itself
- When you have correctly redefined the service class, click OK.
After you have created a service class, you must identify the CICS transactions, user IDs, LU names, and CICS regions associated with it; continue with Editing service class rules in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.