Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace displays no data or does not show all the data you expected

You have clicked a navigation item or you have clicked a link and the workspace either displays no data or does not show all the data that you are expecting.

Many of the workspaces that are provided with OMEGAMON AI for CICS are defined with filters. Each view in the workspace may have filters defined. These filters restrict the data that is displayed to the rows that might be interesting to the user. To view the filters that are defined to a workspace, right-click in the view and select Properties. Click Select a Query and the Filters tab to view or change the filters that are defined. Adjust the filters to meet the needs of your system. Some queries are used by multiple views and workspaces; changing the query filter changes the behavior of all views and workspaces that use the query.

See the "Managing workspaces" topic in the IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS: User's Guide and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide for information on customizing workspaces and views.

This data collection problem might also occur in the OMEGAMON AI for CICS TG component. In this situation, there might be an issue with the resources allocated to the OMEGAMON monitor that allows it to collect and send data to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. If the monitor becomes overloaded with data, it must discard some to allow processing to continue. Check the log of the monitored CICS® TG that may have problems. You may see the following message to confirm the data loss:
KGWRM1012W: TxnMonitor internal queue is full. Exit data will be discarded.
There are several reasons why the queue might be becoming full. There may be not enough storage allocated. Also, the monitor may not be processing the data records quickly enough for the high workload that is flowing through the CICS TG. To alleviate the issue, the following properties may be set on startup:
  • The size (in number of records) of the monitor's internal queue.
  • The sleep time (in milliseconds) the monitor waits between testing to see if there are records available in the queue and processing the records.
  • The depth (in number of records) the queue reaches when the monitor is informed that it must start processing records as the queue is becoming full.
To set these properties to values other than defaults requires a change to the CICS TG startup options. In the CICS TG environment file, called the CTGENV file by default, modify the CTGSTART_OPTS entry to include one or more of the following options:
  • To increase the internal queue size, append -j-Dcom.ibm.omegamon.kgw.rmexit.queuesize=<new value>.
  • To shorten the queue monitor sleep time, append -j-Dcom.ibm.omegamon.kgw.rmexit.queuesleep=<new value>.
  • To reduce the queue depth trigger, append -j-Dcom.ibm.omegamon.kgw.rmexit.queuedepth=<new value>.
The CICS TG needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. On startup, you should see a log message indicating the new value set. For example:
KGWRM1010I: TxnMonitor internal queue sleep time set to 500 ms.
KGWRM1009I: TxnMonitor internal queue length set to 30,000 records.
KGWRM1025I: TxnMonitor internal queue depth trigger set to 1,000 records.

If this is a WebSphere® Application Server running the CICS TG resource adapters, make the previous changes within the Administration Console. The settings need to be added as Custom Properties to the JVM that your WebSphere Application Server is running under. Consult the appropriate administration documentation for details.