Adding and editing CICSplex classification rules

You can add a new CICSplex classification rule and related agent preferences from the Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes subpanel on the CICSplex Rules and Agent Preferences panel in the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.

To add a new CICSplex classification rule, use these steps:
  1. From the CICSplex Rules and Agent Preferences panel (Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes subpanel), either enter an A or a / next to a CICSplex Name.
    Note: The new rule will be inserted before the row the cursor is in, and its priority will be higher than the rule where the cursor is. A new rule added with this process takes precedence over the existing rulesbelow where the A or / was entered.

    The A takes you directly to the Add a new CICSplex Classification Rule panel while the / displays the Action Command Menu.

    1. On the Action Command Menu, type an A next to 1. A Add new CICSplex rule and press Enter.
  2. On the Add a new CICSplex Classification Rule panel, use the input fields to enter your new CICSplex classification rule.
    Figure 1. Add a new CICSplex Classification Rule panel
    Add a new CICSplex Classification Rule panel

    All input fields must obey the z/OS® naming conventions for the appropriate field. The SMF Identifier can consist of the characters A-Z, 0-9, #, @ and $. The CICSplex Name field can consist of the characters A-Z, 0-9, #, @ and $ but cannot start with 0-9 or the hash (#) character. For the remaining fields, the first character must be A-Z, #, @ or $.

  3. Once you have completed all the fields, press Enter.
    If you enter a rule that is not valid, the Add a new CICSplex Rules and Agent Preferences panel is displayed again with an error message. For example:
    KCPPR0001E Invalid characters in CICSplex Name value: xxxxxxxxx

    Correct the input field and press Enter again to continue.

  4. The xxxxxxxx CICSplex Agent Preferences (KCPPLXAA) panel that corresponds to the CICSplex whose rules you just defined is displayed.
    Figure 2. xxxxxxxx CICSplex Agent Preferences (KCPPLXAA) panel
    xxxxxxxx CICSplex Agent Preferences (KCPPLXAA) panel
    The xxxxxxxx CICSplex Agent Preferences panel shows the items used to decide which agent will be the CICSplex agent. You can define or change the following fields:
    Agent SMF Identifier
    The system ID where the agent will run. This value is four characters long, a mixture of 0-9, A-Z, $, #, @ or numbers only. A single asterisk (the default) means that any CICS® agent running in any system can become the CICSplex agent. If more than one CICS agent is available per SMF Identifier, then the Agent XM Number should also be provided. This value restricts which agent will be used as the CICSplex agent.
    Agent XM Number
    The number in the RKCPXMnn DD card to be used, if there are multiple agent address spaces started at the LPAR indicated by the CICSplex Agent Preferences SMF Identifier. Valid input is 00-15.
    CICSplex Agent Timeout
    Represents the number of minutes that a CICS agent will wait for the preferred CICSplex agent to initialize at the indicated LPAR. If the CICSplex agent does not start up in that period of time, any other OMEGAMON AI for CICS address space will initialize it.

    Review the default values generated by information already entered or provide new values. Then press Enter.

    If you enter a preference that is not valid, the xxxxxxxx CICSplex Agent Preferences panel is displayed again with an error message. For example:
    KCPPR0012E: There are invalid characters in the CICSplex Agent SMF
    Identifier, value: xxxx.                                          
    Correct the input field and press Enter again to continue.
  5. A message is displayed in the Take Action Results panel indicating that the rule for the CICSplex was successfully added.

Editing a CICSplex classification rule

To edit an existing CICSplex classification rule, type U next to the rule you wish to change on the Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes subpanel and press Enter. Overtype the fields you wish to change and press Enter.