Dataspace storage

A dataspace is an operating system address space, apart from a CICS® or OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) address space. It is not a job and is used solely for storage of data.

To display dataspace storage associated with any CICS region within the same CEC as the currently monitored CICS, select the Dataspace Display option (H) on the Utilities menu or enter fast path U.H from any panel. The following Display Dataspace Storage panel is displayed.

Figure 1. Display Dataspace Storage Panel (U.H)
________________ ZUSLST   VTM     CICSR41L V530./C SYS  06/04/13 15:59:01
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down

>                      DISPLAY DATASPACE STORAGE

>SLSTc jobname,spacename,addr,dlen is the syntax where:
>      c         = Display format:  Blank=dump, C=character, or X=hex.
>      jobname   = Use $ for the currently monitored CICS region.
>      spacename = Dataspace name.
>      addr      = Starting address of memory to display.
>      dlen      = Display length (1 to 8 hex digits, default is 16 (x’10’).
>                  16 (x’10’).


This panel displays the required syntax and an example. Enter the required information, as shown in the model, after the -SLST statement. You must specify the type of display format, the CICS region jobname ($ indicates the currently monitored CICS), the dataspace name, the starting address of storage, and the amount of storage in hexadecimal bytes that you want to display.

To scan for a specified string within dataspace storage associated with any CICS region within the same CEC as the currently monitored CICS, select the Dataspace Scan option (I) on the Utilities menu or enter fast path U.I from any panel. The Scan Dataspace Storage panel is displayed in the following figure:

Figure 2. Scan Dataspace Storage Panel (U.I)
________________ ZUSSCN   VTM     CICSR41L V530./C SYS  06/04/13 15:59:01
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down

>                           SCAN DATASPACE STORAGE

>SSCNc jobname,spacename,addr,string,slen,dlen is the syntax where:
>    c        = Display format:  Blank=dump, C=character, or X=hex.
>    jobname  = Use $ for the currently monitored CICS region.
>    spacename= Dataspace name.
>    addr     = Starting address of memory to scan.
>    string   = Scan comparison string in hex or character.  Surround a
>               character string with single quotes.
>    slen     = Scan length in hex (default is 256 or x’100’).
>    dlen     = Display length in hex (default is 16 or x’10’).


This panel shows the required syntax. Enter the information required, as shown in the model, after the -SSCN statement. You must specify the type of display format, the CICS region jobname ($ indicates the currently monitored region), the dataspace name, the starting storage address, the hexadecimal or character string for which you want to search, the amount of storage to scan, and the number of bytes to display when the string is found.

To modify dataspace storage associated with any CICS region on the same CEC as the currently monitored CICS, select the Dataspace Zap option (J) on the Utilities menu or enter fast path U.J from any panel. The Modify Dataspace Storage panel is displayed in the following figure.

Note: Perform this option with care in order to insure the integrity of the data stored in the dataspace.
Figure 3. Modify Dataspace Storage Panel (U.J)
________________ ZUSZAP   VTM     CICSR41L V530./C SYS  06/04/13 15:59:01
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down

>                          MODIFY DATASPACE STORAGE

>SZAP jobname,spacename,addr,ver,rep is the syntax where:
>     jobname   = Enter $ for the currently monitored CICS region.
>     spacename = Dataspace name. 
>     addr      = Starting address of memory to scan.
>     ver       = Current value to be verify in hexadecimal.
>     rep       = Replacement value in hexadecimal, 
>                 The lengths of ver and rep must match.


This panel displays the required syntax. Follow the instructions for entering the necessary parameters. As shown in the model, enter the required information following the -SZAP statement. You must specify the CICS region name ($ indicates the currently monitored region), the dataspace name, the beginning storage address of the memory to modify, the current hexadecimal value in that location for verification, and the hexadecimal value which replaces the current verified value.

You can list dataspaces associated with any CICS region on the same CEC as the currently monitored CICS as well as dataspaces associated with the common interface. Select the Dataspace List option (K) on the Utilities menu or enter fast path U.K from any panel. The following List Dataspaces panel is displayed.

Figure 4. List Dataspaces Panel (U.K)
 ________________ ZUDSPC   VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down

>                              LIST DATASPACES

> Dataspaces associated with the CICS job:
 PEEK  TDOCS01  ASID=169  >> OB8112: Data Collection Initiated <<
 data    Name    Type        Owning Task     Current Size  Maximum Size
+      00000VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)        60K           60K
+      00001VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)        80K           80K
+      00002VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)       120K          120K
+      00003VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)       120K          120K
+      00004VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)        60K           60K
+      00005VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)        80K           80K
+      00006VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)       120K          120K
+      00007VHS  Cache   DFHSIP   (006FF450)       120K          120K

> Dataspaces associated with the common interface:
 PEEK  TDOCS33  ASID=184, collected at  9:55:57
 data    Name    Type        Owning Task     Current Size  Maximum Size
+      OMDATA00  Basic   OMCICS   (006DA968)        24K           24K
+      OMDATA01  Basic   OMCICS   (006EC7C0)        24K           24K
+      OMDATA02  Basic   OMCICS   (006C9E88)        24K           24K
+      OMDATA03  Basic   OMCICS   (006D2CA8)        24K           24K
This panel lists the dataspaces associated with the CICS region being monitored, followed by the dataspaces associated with the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) common interface. For each dataspace, this panel shows the following fields:
Name of the dataspace.
Type of storage, which can be BasicCentral, expanded, or disk storage. CacheCentral or expanded storage.
Owning Task
Name of the task that created the dataspace followed by the address of the TCB for the creating task.
Current Size
Current amount of storage used by the dataspace.
Maximum Size
Maximum amount of storage allocated for the dataspace.

To list dataspaces associated with another CICS region, replace the current CICS jobname with the new CICS jobname and press Enter.