Dump Analysis situations
The predefined situations in this category monitor dumps.
- CICSplex_TranDumps_Warning
- Warning threshold exceeded for transaction dumps.
Use the transaction history component of OMEGAMON AI for CICS to determine which transactions have abnormally terminated. To check for storage violations, select the Region Overview workspace from the Navigator Physical view.
Formula: If the value of Transaction_Dumps is greater than 1 and the value of Transaction_Dumps is less than or equal to 2 then situation CICSplex_TranDumps_Warning is true.
- CICSplex_TranDumps_Critical
- Critical threshold exceeded for transaction dumps.
Use the transaction history component of OMEGAMON AI for CICS to determine which transactions have abnormally terminated. To check for storage violations, select the Region Overview workspace from the Navigator Physical view.
Formula: If the value of Transaction_Dumps is greater than 2 then situation CICSplex_TranDumps_Critical is true.
- CICSplex_SysDumps_Warning
- Warning threshold exceeded for system dumps.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the dump data set to determine what caused the abnormal termination. Ensure the predicate in this situation specifies a value less than the number of SYS1.DUMPnn data sets to ensure that dumps are not lost.
Formula: If the value of System_Dumps is greater than 0 and the value of System_Dumps is less than or equal to 1 then situation CICSplex_SysDumps_Warning is true.
- CICSplex_SysDumps_Critical
- Critical threshold exceeded for system dumps.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the dump data set to determine what caused the abnormal termination. Ensure the predicate in this situation specifies a value less than the number of SYS1.DUMPnn data sets to ensure that dumps are not lost.
Formula: If the value of System_Dumps is greater than 1 then situation CICSplex_SysDumps_Critical is true.
- CICSplex_TakingSDUMP_Warning
- Warning threshold exceeded for taking system dump.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the contents of the dump data set to diagnose the CICS® abnormal termination.
Formula: If the value of Taking_SDUMP equals Yes then situation CICSplex_TakingSDUMP_Warning is true.
- CICSplex_TakingSDUMP_Critical
- Critical threshold exceeded for taking system dump.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the contents of the dump data set to diagnose the CICS abnormal termination.
Formula: If the value of Taking_SDUMP equals Yes then situation CICSplex_TakingSDUMP_Critical is true.
- CICSplex_TranDumpsHr_Warning
- Warning threshold exceeded for transaction dumps per hour.
Use the transaction history component of OMEGAMON AI for CICS to determine which transactions have abnormally terminated. To check for storage violations, select the Region Overview view from the Navigator Physical view of the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal.
Formula: If the value of Transaction_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is greater than 0 and the value of Transaction_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is less than or equal to 1 then situation CICSplex_TranDumpsHr_Warning is true.
- CICSplex_TranDumpsHr_Critical
- Critical threshold exceeded for transaction dumps per hour.
Use the transaction history component of OMEGAMON AI for CICS to determine which transactions have abnormally terminated. To check for storage violations, select the Region Overview view from the Navigator Physical view of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
Formula: If the value of Transaction_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is greater than 1 then situation CICSplex_TranDumpsHr_Critical is true.
- CICSplex_SysDumpsHr_Warning
- Warning threshold exceeded for system dumps per hour.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the dump data set to determine what caused the abnormal termination. Ensure the predicate in this situation specifies a value less than the number of SYS1.DUMPnn data sets to ensure that dumps are not lost.
Formula: If the value of System_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is greater than 0 and the value of System_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is less than or equal to 1 then situation CICSplex_SysDumpsHr_Warning is true.
- CICSplex_SysDumpsHr_Critical
- Critical threshold exceeded for system dumps per hour.
Inspect the operator's console for error messages which indicates the cause of the problem. Format the dump data set to determine what caused the abnormal termination. Ensure the predicate in this situation specifies a value less than the number of SYS1.DUMPnn data sets to ensure that dumps are not lost.
Formula: If the value of System_Dumps_in_Last_Hour is greater than 1 then situation CICSplex_SysDumpsHr_Critical is true.
See also the CICSplex Dump Analysis attribute group.