Customizing OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) to display your screen space at initialization
You can customize the dedicated mode OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) initialization.
The first screen space can be used to perform various functions of your choice prior to displaying the Main Menu.
- You want to use the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) product-provided screen spaces, but want to issue some commands first
- You do not want to use OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) product-provided screen spaces; you want to run your own customized screen space or spaces.
FSCR= xxxxxxxx
parameter specifies
which screen space should be displayed first. You can create the
MYSCR screen space example using the following instructions, then
update the KOCIDED member:
<XMLS $,CSA,100
- Clear your screen. See Clearing the screen in Screen control.
- Type
on the top line of the screen and press Enter. This puts your system in definition mode, which inhibits automatic updating of a dedicated mode session so you can define a screen space. - Enter the commands that you want to run on your screen space. For example:
- Type
on the top line of the screen space and press Enter.
The MYSCR screen space name that you designated as an example is saved in the rhilev.RKOCPROC library. When you start OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) in dedicated mode, the output from the XMLS command is displayed.
The .FGO command is required to run the original or default unaltered first screen sequence when you want to use the default OMEGAMON for CICS (3270).
IMPORTANT: If the command that you want to run is a security protected command, then the AUTHLIB=statement in the RKANPARU(KOMSUPDI) member needs to be commented out and pointed to the authorized screen space library. This option allows you to run protected commands as part of the initialization screen without entering a password. Verify that the authorized screen space library is concatenated into your rhilev.PROC DD statement. The authorized screen space library is not an APF-authorized data set, rather it is an AUTHLIB data set.