User-defined time intervals
You can display the average response time over three overlapping time intervals.
These intervals reflect short, medium, and long-term response times. Each interval is expressed in minutes where the medium-term interval is a multiple of the short-term interval and the long-term interval is a multiple of the medium-term interval. See Time intervals for information on changing the interval length.
You invoke the time intervals display as shown in the following figure, by selecting the Averages option (H) on the Response Time path or entering fast path R.H from any panel.
________________ ZRAVER VTM CICSMH01 V550./C SYS 06/06/17 22:19:38
> PF1 Help PF3 Back PF4 Main Menu PF7 Up PF8 Down
> A-Overview B-Transactions C-Terminals D-Programs E-Graphical
> F-CICS Today G-Groups Today H-Averages
> To view averages for just the group specified, enter any group number
> directly after ATIME and ACNT.
CRSP | ID | (00:05) 00:02:04 | (00:10) 00:07:04 | (00:30) 00:07:04 |
> | | | | |
Atime |AVERAGES| | 10:00.047 | 10:00.047 |
Acnt |TOTALS | | 8 | 8 |
This panel shows for each interval, the interval length in minutes in parentheses followed by the elapsed time for the interval. The average response time and the number of occurrences for each element ID are shown for all elements having some activity.
Elements can be selected by group number, and you can choose to display only group averages by modifying the time and cnt statements in the CRSP column. Refer to the help screen using PF1 for more information.