Use the KC5_WLM_BLOCKS parameter to specify the number of blocks to allocate in the KDSSTART or KC5START command. OC START ID=WLM,BLOCKS=nnnnnn, where nnnnnn is a value between 10 and 524287. For more information about WLM, see the IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS: Planning and Configuration Guide.
Required or optional
Location where the parameter value is stored
In the KC5AGST and KDSSTART members of therhilev.&rte.xKANCMDU library for the start up variables of the agent.
Selective $PARSE job processing
Run the library-specific $PARSECM IKANCMDU->WKANCMDU file-tailoring job to regenerate only the WKANCMDU members that need to be reprocessed. To limit the update to only members relevant to this component in the USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER section of the $PARSECM member update the SELECT MEMBER=(*) statement to SELECT MEMBER=(KC5* KDS*).
Parameter name
Default value
2048 blocks
Permissible values
10 - 524287
Related parameters