Use the KC2_CLASSIC_UMAX parameter to specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions, that OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) can support. The value specified should include any Tivoli Enterprise Portal Dynamic XE to OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) linking sessions, as well as, users that might log on directly through the 3270 interface.

Required or optional
Location where the parameter value is stored:
In the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANCMDU runtime library.
Selective $PARSE job processing
Run the library-specific $PARSESM IKANCMDU->WKANCMDU file-tailoring job to regenerate only the WKANSAMU members that need to be reprocessed. To limit the update to only members relevant to this component in the USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER section of the $PARSESM member update the SELECT MEMBER=(*) statement to SELECT MEMBER=KC2*.
Parameter name
Default value
Permissible values