Creating, activating, and deleting a service policy

You can use the tabbed panel to view, create, activate, and delete service policy via take action commands. The active service policy is highlighted in green color.

To create a service policy, complete these steps:
  1. On the Service Policy tabbed panel, enter an S next to a service policy.
  2. On the Add New Service Policy panel, use the input fields to define a name for your new service policy and give it a description.
  3. Press APPLY.

Activating a service policy

To activate an existing service policy, complete these steps:

  1. On the Service Policy tabbed panel, enter an A next to a service policy.
  2. Press Enter to confirm your activation.

Only one service policy can be active.

You can also activate service policy in the General tabbed panel:
  1. Switch to the General panel and select an inactive service policy that you want to activate from the service policy list.
  2. Press APPLY to make the service policy active.

Deleting a service policy

To delete a service policy, complete these steps:

  1. On the Service Policy tabbed panel, enter an D to the Service Policy that you want to delete and press Enter.
    Note: You can delete only inactive service policies.