Take Action commands

The Take Action command feature enables you to enter a command or stop or start a process at any CICS® region in your network where one or more Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Agents are running.

OMEGAMON AI for CICS provides several predefined Take Actions that you can invoke to respond to unusual situations occurring within your CICS regions or to pass commands to CICS. All of these commands can be used in the Take Action response when a situation fires. For example, you might write a situation that checks whether a temporary storage queue contains more then 32500 entries and, if it does, deletes it. In that case the situation passes a CP:TSQD command to the Take Action command.

For more information about creating and using Take Action commands, see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help.

This section covers these predefined OMEGAMON AI for CICS Take Action commands:

Note: Security for the native OMEGAMON AI for CICS commands (those prefixed by CP:) is determined by its own set of security profiles; for detailed information, including implementation instructions and guidelines, see the Planning and Configuration Guide. However, security for z/OS console commands (for example, the CEKL command passed to CICS through the Modify command) is controlled by the general Take Action command security your site implements with NetView.