Informational message concerning the progress of initialization.
System action
User response
Informational message concerning the progress of initialization.
Informational message concerning the progress of initialization.
The user is logging off the session. The connection to the real time collector must also be closed. luname is the VTAM® application name of the realtime collector.
Informational message concerning the progress of initialization.
Informational message concerning the progress of initialization. Module M2sess routine has been entered.
This is an informational message indicating that the user requested an alternate collector profile using the Signon Panel logon options (F11).
Check to make sure that the correct profile is being used.
M2SESS attempted to connect to each of the three lunames specified in rhilev.RKANPAR(KM2IPARM) None were successful.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Determine if the rhilev.RKANPAR(KM2IPARM) lunames are spelled correctly. If so, determine if the required applications have been started and the application names have been varied active.
M2SESS failed to establish a purge exit to keep track of cases when the terminal is lost.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
This is an internal error. Notify IBM Software Support.
This is an informational message indicating that M2SESS successfully established a purge exit to keep track of cases when the terminal is lost.
M2SESS failed to read the first screen (a copyright notice).
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to send the logon commands to the realtime collector. The send did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to read a realtime collector screen. The receive did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to understand a realtime collector screen.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check that rhilev.RKANPAR(KM2IPARM) specifies a correct realtime collector. If not, it may be a communications error. Additionally, the failure may be due to insufficient authority to logon OMEGAMON; check with your security administrator. Also, check the RKLVSNAP dataset for additional diagnostic information.
M2SESS determined that the realtime collector profile is different from the one requested.
The attempt to logon is continued.
Check that DATA=YES is specified for the realtime collector. DATA=NO would cause the requested profile to be ignored. Check also if the profile exists in the real time collector profile libraries.
M2SESS attempted to send the LOG command to the realtime collector, to turn on screen logging. The send did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to receive the screen following the LOG command. The receive did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to send a command to the realtime collector. The send did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
M2SESS attempted to read the screen following a command to the realtime collector. The receive did not complete successfully.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
Informational message concerning progress of the initialization. luname is the realtime collector luname and userid is the userid which has been used to logon to the realtime collector.
The connection between OMEGAMON® for MVS and OMEGAMON II for MVS has completed.
M2SESS determined that the LROWS parameter was invalid.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Correct the LROWS value in rhilev.RKANPAR(KM2IPARM).
M2SESS determined that the LROWS parameter was invalid.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Correct the LROWS value in rhilev.RKANPAR(KM2IPARM).
The expected OMEGAMON copyright screen was not received.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check to see if your VTAM parameters have been set up correctly.
The expected OMEGAMON copyright screen was not received.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
The LOGMODE for the terminal being used must not be queriable.
The logon to OMEGAMON failed.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Refer to the OMEGAMON for MVS Configuration and Customization Guide for how to install command level security.
The logon to OMEGAMON failed.
The attempt to logon to the realtime collector has ended. After the error message is displayed, the user is terminated.
Check the RKLVSNAP dataset for diagnostic information.
The attempt to establish a session with the OMEGAMON subtask realtime collector failed.
The user is terminated.
Call IBM Software Support and have the RKLVLOG messages available.
Informational message concerning progress of the initialization. userid is the userid which has been used to logon to the realtime collector.
Informational message indicating that the connection between OMEGAMON and Tivoli OMEGAMON has been terminated for userid.
A session with the OMEGAMON SUBTASK could not be started.
The user is terminated.
Call IBM Software Support and have the RKLVLOG messages available.
A receive from the OMEGAMON SUBTASK failed.
User session is terminated.
This is an internal error. Notify IBM Software Support.
A send to the OMEGAMON SUBTASK failed.
User session is terminated.
This is an internal error. Notify IBM Software Support.
The user’s session identification for the OMEGAMON SUBTASK could not be saved.
User session is terminated.
This is an internal error. Notify IBM Software Support.
Informational message indicating that the connection between OMEGAMONand Tivoli OMEGAMON has been terminated for userid.
WPF STOP was issued, but WPF was not active.
WPF STOP request is ignored.
Invalid keyword cccccccc was specified on the WPF command.
The WPF command is ignored.
Correct the error and reissue the WPF command.
WPF START was issued, but WPF was already active or initializing.
WPF START request is ignored.
The name of the EPILOG Profile datastore was not found in the user profile, and WPF START was issued without specifying the RKM2PRDS or DSN operand.
WPF START request is ignored.
Use the RKM2PRDS operand to specify the dataset name of the EPILOG Profile datastore on the WPF START command.
The RKM2PRDS or DSN operand was specified, but the name of the EPILOG profile datastore was omitted.
The WPF command is ignored.
Include the name of the dataset following the RKM2PRDS or DSN operand and reissue the WPF command.
The ATTACH for the WPF profile collector failed with return code nn.
WPF initialization is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the ATTACH System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The LOAD for the WPF profile collector failed with return code nn.
WPF initialization is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the LOAD System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The XLONG or XSHORT keyword was specified on the WPF command. These keywords are no longer valid for WPF.
The specified keyword is ignored.
The GETMAIN for WPF work areas failed with return code nn.
WPF initialization is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the GETMAIN System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
An error occurred reading the EPILOG Profile datastore. The RPL error code is nn.
WPF is terminated.
Correct the VSAM read error associated with RPL code nn. Make sure you have used the EPILOG PROFILE command to create the profiles for selected workloads. Then restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The WPF timer subtask has terminated abnormally.
WPF is terminated.
Restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
There is a WPF internal error in the profile collector.
WPF is terminated.
Restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The GETMAIN for WPF work areas in the profile collector failed with return code nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the GETMAIN System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The ATTACH for the timer task in the profile collector failed with return code nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the ATTACH System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
EPILOG routines required for WPF are not available.
The WPF profile collector is terminated.
If EPILOG is installed on your system, make sure that the dataset name for the EPILOG load library has been correctly specified on the STEPLIB or JOBLIB statements of the OMEGAMON-invoking JCL. Either the dataset specified may be available only to a different CPU, the user may not have security access to it, or the dataset may not be cataloged. Correct the situation and restart WPF. If EPILOG is not installed on your system, call IBM Software Support.
The ESTAE in the profile collector failed with return code nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn as documented by the ESTAE System Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The dynamic allocation request for the EPILOG Profile datastore failed with error code xxxx and information code xxxx.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with the ERROR and INFO codes as documented by the Dynamic Allocation(SVC 99) System Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
GENCB failure in the profile collector. The GENCB return code is nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with return code nn of the VSAM GENCB Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The OPEN for the EPILOG Profile datastore failed with return code nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with ACB ERROR code nn of the VSAM OPEN Macro Service, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
A key length error occurred attempting to read the Profile datastore.
WPF is terminated.
Restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
A VSAM logical error occurred while attempting to read the EPILOG Profile datastore. The error code from the VSAM RPL is nn.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the VSAM read error associated with RPL code nn, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The CLOSE for the EPILOG Profile datastore failed with return code nn.
WPF is terminated, however, the Profile datastore may still be open.
If the Profile datastore is still open, a VERIFY operation may be required to CLOSE it.
WPF requires EPILOG Version nnn, or a later version for successful operation, but Vxxx was found.
The WPF profile collector is terminated.
Make sure that the EPILOG Version nnn load library, or a later version of EPILOG, is available to OMEGAMON and restart WPF.
A store clock operation failed in WPF profile collector.
WPF is terminated.
Attempt to determine and correct the error associated with condition code nn of the STCK instruction as documented in the IBM® Principles of Operation, and restart WPF. If the error persists, call IBM Software Support.
The WPF profile collector has abended.
WPF is terminated. The abend code, PSW, and general registers at the time of the abend are printed following the message text.
Restart WPF. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
The address space in which OMEGAMON is executing is not authorized to read the EPILOG Profile datastore.
The WPF profile collector is terminated.
Give the WPF user authorization to read the Profile datastore and restart WPF.
An undeterminable error occurred attempting to read the EPILOG Profile datastore.
The WPF profile collector is terminated.
Restart WPF. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
A DWPF or JWPF was issued for a specific profile entry, but that profile entry could not be found.
Specify the correct profile identifier via the JOB, STC, PGN, or PGP operands and reissue the command. If the DWPF or JWPF commands are specified without any operands, they display a full list of all profile entries.
An invalid jobname or started task name was specified with the JOB or STC operand of a DWPF or JWPF command. The jobname or started task name must not exceed eight characters in length, and it must contain those characters defined as acceptable by system JCL syntax.
Specify the jobname or started task name and reissue the command.
An invalid performance group or period was specified with the PGN or PGP operand of a DWPF command. The performance group must be numeric, between 1 and 999. The period must be numeric, between 1 and 9.
Specify the correct performance group and/or period number and reissue the command.
The performance group number must be specified with the period number. The PGP operand was specified without the PGN operand on a DWPF request.
Specify the correct performance group using the PGN operand, and reissue the command.
Mutually exclusive operands have been specified on a DWPF command. PGN or PGP operands cannot be specified along with JOB or STC.
Specify the correct operands and reissue the command.
The PGN and/or PGP operands have been specified on a JWPF command. PGN or PGP operands are valid only for DWPF.
Specify the correct operands and reissue the command.
An error occurred attempting to obtain a profile entry on a DWPF or JWPF command.
Make sure that the operands for the DWPF or JWPF command have been specified correctly and reissue the command if necessary. If this does not rectify the error, then STOP and restart WPF. If the error still persists then call IBM Software Support.
An error occurred while attempting to obtain a profile entry on a DWPF or JWPF command. The return code from the profile get routine is xxxxxxxx.
Make sure that the operands for the DWPF or JWPF command have been specified correctly and reissue the command if necessary. If this does not rectify the error, then STOP and restart WPF. If the error still persists then call IBM Software Support.
The volume you specified was not found on this system.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a volume attached to this system.
The data set you specified was not found in the system catalog.
The running of the command ends.
Catalog the data set or specify a data set that is cataloged.
The data set that you requested was not found on the volume specified.
The running of the command ends.
Specify the volume that the data set resides on.
The volume you specified was not found on this system.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a new volume for this system.
The volume you specified was not mounted on this system.
The running of this command ends.
Specify a volume attached to this system.
The specified device either was not found in the UCB lookup table, or was found to be marked offline.
The running of this command ends.
Specify a valid volume or vary the volume online.
The specified control block (ASCB, TCB, DSAB, JFCB, or JFCX) failed validation in the SRB routine for FNDU.
FNDU does not collect dataset information for the address space which has failed validation.
This is an informational message only.
The SRB to collect data failed to complete its task and returned an invalid return code to the user.
The running of the command ends.
Call IBM Software Support to report a possible problem.
The SRB to collect data failed to complete its task due to a SQA shortage.
Call IBM Software Support to report a possible problem.
An attempt was made to find the channel set in the CST but it was not found.
Specify a valid channel set.
The channel set you entered is not defined to the system.
Specify a channel set defined to this system.
You attempted to display a PARTE that is not currently in use.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a PARTE that is in use.
The command requires the Resource Management Facility (RMF) or a specific RMF report to be active.
The running of the command ends.
Modify RMF to add the required report for collection or start RMF.
You attempted to list channel sets from a CPU that is not currently available.
The running of the command ends.
Select a CPU that is currently available.
You attempted to execute a command that is not valid in goal mode.
The running of the command ends.
Try a different command, or switch to compatibility mode.
Indicates a failure in an MVS service which provides information for some of the commands.
The running of the command ends.
Contact IBM Software Support.
The control block being accessed does not exist in MVS/SP™ V5.1 or higher.
The running of the command ends.
Try running a different version of MVS.
The DMDT, the Domain Descriptor Table, does not exist in MVS/SP V5.1 or higher of MVS running in Workload Manager goal mode. The domain construct has no meaning in goal mode.
The running of the command ends.
Try using an MVS/SP V5.1 or higher goal mode compatible command.
In processing the GRS command, the address of the GRS Vector Table was not found.
The running of the command ends.
Activate GRS before you issue the GRS command.
The TSO command is not available in this mode, where the xxxx value indicates the mode.
The running of the command ends.
Issue the TSO command only in TS or LS modes.
A STAX SVC was unsuccessful. The nn value is the STAX SVC return code.
The running of the command ends.
Issue the command again. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
A nonzero return code was issued by the IKJSCAN routine, where the nn value is a two digit number.
The running of the command ends.
Issue the command again. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
A nonzero return code was issued by the ATTACH SVC, where the nn value is a two digit number.
The running of the command ends.
Issue the command again. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
The command cccccccc ended with a four digit (nnnn) non-zero return code.
The running of the command ends.
Use the return code to diagnose the error. Correct and run the TSO command again.
The TSO command does not support the TEST command.
The running of the command ends.
Issue a command other than the TEST command.
No second level message chain exists for the command.
The running of the command ends.
Issue a command other than this command.
There is an invalid command syntax in the TSO command.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the TSO command again.
OMEGAMON cannot find command cccccccc.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the cccccccc command again.
The command cccccccc ended due to depression of the ATTN/PA1 key.
The running of the command ends.
The command cccccccc ended abnormally with the System/User abend code displayed.
The running of the command ends.
Use the completion code to diagnose the error; correct and run the command again.
You entered a command to list an address space threshold group that was not defined.
The running of the command ends.
Enter an address space threshold group that is coded in your profile or use the ASG command to add this address space threshold group to your profile.
No Channel Availability Table was found for the channel identifier entered.
Correct and issue the command again, with a valid channel identifier.
OMEGAMON is built for xxx operating system and is running on the yyy operating system; this causes functions and commands to fail.
The startup continues, if you enter OK.
Install the yyy level of OMEGAMON and then start OMEGAMON again.
The data set name that you entered was greater than 44 characters in length.
The running of the command ends.
Enter a valid data set name.
The GQSCAN command returned an invalid return code nn.
The running of the command ends.
Look for a description of the return code in the Supervisor SPL. If problem persists call IBM Software Support.
The major enqueue name that you entered was greater than eight characters in length.
The running of the command ends.
Enter a valid enqueue name.
The minor enqueue name that you entered was greater than 44 characters in length.
The running of the command ends.
Enter a valid minor enqueue name.
You placed an asterisk (*) in a position other than the end of the enqueue name.
The running of the command ends.
Delete all characters to the right-hand side of the asterisk and retry the command.
You entered hex data that contained characters that are not the hex format.
The running of the command ends.
Correct the enqueue name and enter the enqueue name again.
An invalid hex entry was specified for the enqueue name.
The running of the command ends.
Correct the enqueue name and enter the enqueue name again.
The GQSCAN command encountered an unrecoverable error.
The running of the command ends.
Try the function again. If problem persists call IBM Software Support.
The GQSCAN command returned an invalid return code nn.
Look for a description of the return code in the Supervisor SPL. If problem persists call IBM Software Support.
You requested a performance group that was greater than the highest performance group specified in the system.
The running of the command ends.
Enter a performance group that is valid for your system.
No fixed frames exist for the region being displayed.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the command again without the F argument.
An internal work table was invalidated.
The running of the command ends.
Ensure that RMF is still active in the system. If the problem persists call IBM Software Support.
You entered a command which requires data from RMF and RMF is not running on this system.
Start RMF and enter the command again after RMF initializes.
You entered a command which requires data from RMF and RMF is not running on this system.
The running of the command ends.
Start RMF and enter the command again after RMF has initialized.
The command requires RMF Device reporting of tape or DASD to be active and it is not.
Modify RMF to add the required report option for collection.
No RMF data is being collected for the device class selected.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the command again specifying a different device class.
An OMEGAMON logic error was detected.
The running of the command ends.
Call IBM Software Support.
A channel path work area was not available.
The running of the command ends.
Issue the command again. If the problem persists, call IBM Software Support.
No RMF statistics are available for the device you selected.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the command again specifying a different device.
There is no data available for the logical control unit you selected.
The running of the command ends.
Correct and issue the command again specifying a different LCU.
The memory at the xxxxxx value cannot be fetched or stored into because it is fetch protected.
No zap applied.
Add the authorized character to override the protection.
The OMEGAMON program name was not found in the list of APF programs available to the TSO user.
The running of the command ends.
Add OMEGAMON to the TSO authorization list and reassemble.
Module was loaded from a library that is not APF authorized or that lost APF authorization.
The command processing continues.
Ensure that STEPLIB references are APF authorized in all libraries.
The module was not link edited with AC=1 in the link edit PARM.
The command processing continues.
You must re link the module.
An unexpected module was found in the TCB/RB chain; this might be why OMEGAMON is not authorized.
The command processing continues.
See the OMEGAMON for MVS Configuration and Customization Guide for ways to install OMEGAMON authorized.
You requested to delete a data set from the APF list; the data set was not in the APF list.
The running of the command ends.
Retry the command with a data set that is in the APF LIST.
You attempted to add a data set to the APF list; the data set was already in the APF list.
The running of the command ends.
Retry the command with a data set that is not in the APF list.
There was not enough SQA storage available to get an area for the new APF list.
The running of the command ends.
Call IBM Software Support, if the command repeatedly fails.
A syntax error was found in validating information about a library.
The running of the command ends.
Ensure proper specification of DSN and volser, then retry the command.
You did not enter the data set name and volume serial number required for the command.
The running of the command ends.
Ensure that you specify all required fields (DSN, VOL).
You attempted to catalog a volume serial number of a data set in the APF list and you did not supply a new volume serial number.
The running of the command ends.
Specify the NVOL operand with the new volume serial number.
The console specified could not be found in the system.
Specify a valid console number.
The CSVAPF service returned a nonzero return code.
The system ends the running of the command.
See IBM Application Development Reference manual for CSVAPF return codes and reason codes.
An error occurred updating the SVC table. The return code nnnn value is from the SVCUPDTE macro.
The LPAM adds the module, but the SVC table is not updated.
Call IBM Software Support.
You cannot use LPAM to process SVC type 1, 2, and 6 modules.
The running of the command ends.
See the OM8307
You cannot delete a module that exists in the FLPA.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a module name that is not in the FLPA.
You attempted to delete a module that was not found in the MLPA.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a module that is in the MLPA.
You attempted to list a module that is not in the LPA.
The running of the command ends.
Specify the name of a module that is currently in LPA.
The LPAMM command is already on the active LPA queue. The LPAMM command cannot modify a module previously placed in this state.
The running of the command ends.
To modify the module again, first delete the entry using the LPAMD command and add the new module using the LPAMM command.
A search of the directory of data set cccccccc was made, but the module was not found.
The running of the command ends.
Ensure that the specified module exists in the data set specified.
The LPAM command was issued without the required operand. You did not specify the required PGM keyword on the LPAMM or LPAMD command.
The running of the command ends.
Specify the command again with the program name that you want to list.
The LPAMA and LPAMM commands require a library name to get the module from.
The running of the command ends.
Specify the data set name for the library that contains the module.
An attempt to allocate the specified library failed. The RC=nn, ERROR=cc, and INFO=cc values are the dynamic allocation return, error, and information reason codes.
The LPAM command stops processing.
Verify that the data set name specified on the DSN parameter is correct and that the specified data set is accessible to the system on which the OMEGAMON session is running.
An attempt to load the LPAMLIB failed; the xxx value is the load return code.
The running of the command ends.
See IBM Supervisor Services SPL manual for load return codes.
You attempted to cancel jobname ccccccc, which was not running on the system.
The running of the command ends.
Specify a currently active job.
You attempted to cancel job cccccccc where the ASID nnn did not match the jobname specified.
The running of the command ends.
Verify that the jobname/ASID combination is correct.
The RTM service returned a nonzero return code.
The running of the command ends.
See IBM Supervisor Services SPL manual for the CALLRTM return codes.
The address of the CHAP routine was not found in the CVT. In post SE1 systems, this is a trivial problem since CHAP does not affect most address spaces. MVS has lost its ability to address IEVEACO.
The running of the command ends.
If problem persists call IBM Software Support.
The aaa/ccc value can be one of the following variables:
The LPAM command stops processing.
If CSA or SQA was unavailable, retry the request at a time when more area is available. If the private area was unavailable, retry with OMEGAMON running in a larger region.