There is not enough memory available for the user profile tables.
System action
The command stops.
User response
Increase the region size and retry.
There is not enough memory available for the user profile tables.
The command stops.
Increase the region size and retry.
OMEGAMON attempted to locate the corresponding base module required for the current operating system level. The required module could not be found.
Make sure that OMEGAMON is executed at the operating system level for which your installation is licensed. Contact IBM® Corporation for licensing and sales information.
OMEGAMON has determined that the current operating system level is not supported. Only MVS/SP™ 1, 2, and 3 are supported; earlier versions are not supported. (SP™ 1 support is further limited to SP 1.3 and higher.)
Run OMEGAMON only on those systems with supported operating system levels.
The OVUSERcc DATA file specified by USER xx in the startup parms or the .USR command was not found.
OMEGAMONuses all default values for execution parameters. The default OVUSER DATA file is 99.
Continue with OMEGAMON initialization or restart OMEGAMON specifying the correct USER startup parameter value, or reissue the .USR command specifying the correct parameter.
The indicated parameter must be specified as either ON or OFF.
OMEGAMON uses the default value.
Correct the parameter value to specify ON or OFF at next execution.
The indicated word is not a valid OMEGAMONstartup parameter.
OMEGAMON ignores the entire parameter group (including any possible subordinate keywords).
Check for spelling problems. Check to make sure that a previous parameter was not continued incorrectly.
The format of the indicated input stream is invalid.
OMEGAMON ignores either all or part of the current parameter group.
Correct the formatting error. Ensure that all required delimiters (commas, parentheses, and so on) are entered correctly.
An invalid character was found in the input stream.
The character is assumed to be a delimiter.
Enter a valid character if a delimiter was not intended.
The indicated word is not a valid keyword for the current parameter group being processed.
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Check for possible spelling or continuation errors.
The value specified for the indicated parameter keyword is invalid.
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Specify the keyword value as required.
EBCDIC characters were specified for a keyword requiring hexadecimal data.
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Correct the keyword value.
EBCDIC characters were specified for a keyword requiring numeric data.
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Correct the keyword value.
The value specified for the indicated keyword is either too short (character) or too small (integer or hex).
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Check the minimum that can be specified for the keyword and correct the keyword value.
The value specified for the indicated keyword is either too long (character) or too large (integer or hex).
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Check the maximum that can be specified for the keyword and correct the keyword value.
A duplicate keyword has been found in the input stream.
OMEGAMON ignores the duplicate parameter.
Remove or correct the duplicate keyword.
The internal buffers required to hold the data specified by the OVUSER MISSVM parameter have overflowed.
The MISSVM keyword specifications that will fit in storage will be accepted with the remainder ignored.
Increase the virtual storage size of the OMEGAMONfor VM virtual machine or specify few MISSVM keyword values.
The internal buffers required to hold the data specified by the OVUSER MISSDA parameter have overflowed.
The MISSDA keyword specifications that will fit in storage will be accepted with the remainder ignored.
Increase the virtual storage size of the OMEGAMON for VM virtual machine or specify few MISSDA keyword values.
For the PGNAMES parameter a USERID= or ACCOUNT= keyword was expected and not found.
OMEGAMON ignores the entire PGNAMES parameter group.
Check for a spelling error to ensure that either a USERID= or an ACCOUNT= keyword is specified.
While processing a continuation, the end of the OVUSERcc DATA file was reached.
OVUSERcc parameter processing stops.
Check to see if the OVUSER DATA file is complete. If not, enter the missing parameter keyword(s).
The NAME keyword was not specified on the PGNAME statement.
OMEGAMON ignores the entry.
The PGNAME statement requires a name for each group being defined. Specify a name.
Either an unexpected parenthesis was detected or an expected parenthesis was not detected.
OMEGAMON ignores either the current keyword or the remaining parameter keywords.
Add or remove parentheses as required.
For the PGNAMES parameter group more than 64 performance groups were specified.
OMEGAMON ignores the remaining performance groups.
Remove less important performance groups so that the maximum will not be exceeded.
A keyword for the DEFVMTG, DASDTG, or RSCSTG parameter was entered that is not a valid exception override name.
OMEGAMONignores the keyword.
Check for a possible spelling error. For DEFVMTG, ensure that the exception name entered is a valid VM exception and not a SYSTEM exception. For DASDTG, ensure that the exception name entered is one of the DASD exceptions. For RSCSTG, ensure that the exception name entered is RSCA or RSCQ.
The indicated parameter must be specified as either ON or OFF.
The keyword value defaults to ON.
Correct the parameter value to specify ON or OFF.
A parenthesis was expected at or near the column indicated by an asterisk.
OMEGAMON ignores the current keyword.
Check the format for the keyword and make the appropriate corrections.
The indicated parameter must be specified as either ON or AUTO.
Missing VM analysis for this VM user ID defaults to AUTO.
Correct the parameter value to specify ON or AUTO.
The value specified for the THRESH= keyword is larger than the value allowed for an exception name.
OMEGAMON uses the maximum value allowed.
Check the maximum value for this exception name and correct the keyword value.
The value specified for the THRESH= keyword is less than the value allowed for an exception name.
OMEGAMON uses the minimum value allowed.
Check the minimum value for this exception name and correct the keyword value.
An invalid keyword was received for the TSF parameter group. The only valid keywords are TIME=, and either SS= or SL=.
OMEGAMON ignores the remaining TSF keywords.
Check for possible spelling problems.
The BOX= keyword was specified and is not valid for a VM exception.
OMEGAMON ignores the BOX= keyword.
Reply OK or C, then remove the BOX= keyword from this exception.
The value specified for the CPUID= keyword is invalid (must be between 0 and 15) for the CHNM parameter group.
OMEGAMON skips the CPUID= keyword and subsequent CHANNELS= keywords.
Specify the correct CPU identification.
One of the values specified for the CHANNELS= keywords is invalid for the CHNM parameter group (must be between 0 and 31).
OMEGAMON ignores the channel ID value.
Specify the correct channel ID.
The CPUID= keyword for the CHNM parameter group was expected and not received.
OMEGAMON ignores the subsequent CHANNELS= parameter.
Check for spelling errors or enter a CPUID= keyword preceding the CHANNELS= keyword.
The CHANNELS= keyword for the CHNM parameter group was expected and not received.
OMEGAMON ignores the current CPUID= value.
Check for spelling errors or enter a CHANNELS= keyword following the CPUID= keyword.
OMEGAMON encountered a duplicate keyword in OVUSER.
OMEGAMON displays the message and asks if you wish to continue.
Reply OK to continue processing and ignore the error or type C to cancel and correct the OVUSER file.
OMEGAMON requires either an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE list to be specified with the FORCE parameter in OVUSER.
OMEGAMON displays the message and asks if you wish to continue.
Reply OK to continue processing and ignore the error or type C to cancel and correct the OVUSER file.
OMEGAMON encountered the FORCE parameter on an exception that is not VM user-related. Force processing is not valid for other than user-related exceptions.
OMEGAMON displays the message and asks if you wish to continue.
Reply OK to continue processing and ignore the error or type C to cancel and correct the OVUSER file.
The indicated screen space name (with file type PROCFILE) was not found on any accessed CMS disk.
The screen space name is accepted. The error message displays as a warning.
Correct the screen space name or create a new screen space with this name.
An internal storage buffer overflowed processing the indicated parameter or keyword.l
Processing stops for the current parameter.
Increase your virtual storage size or decrease the number of operands of this parameter.
An internal error occurred attempting to acquire storage.
OVUSERcc processing stops.
Call IBM Software Support Services.
The indicated keyword does not pertain to the current exception name being processed.
OMEGAMON ignores the keyword.
Remove the keyword from this exception parameter.
An invalid operand was given to the command.
The command stops.
For the proper operands, see the extended help (;commandname) for the command. Correct the operand and retry.
OMEGAMON deleted the user table.
Processing continues.
None. This is an informational message only.
The requested name cannot be found in the tables.
The command stops.
Correct the name and retry the command.
The indicated memory location symbol was deleted from the symbolic address table.
Processing continues.
None. This is an informational message only.
The indicated memory location symbol was added to the symbolic address table.
Processing continues.
None. This is an informational message only.
No entries have been defined in the table.
The command stops.
None. This is an informational message only.
The internal work area for string manipulation has overflowed.
The command stops.
Use shorter strings to define the storage locations.
The zap would cross a page boundary and this is not allowed.
Command stops.
None. This is an informational message only.
OMEGAMON fixed PLPA pages as requested.
Processing continues.
None. This is an informational message only.
OMEGAMON successfully executed the MZAP command.
Processing continues.
None. This is an informational message only.
The verify data in the command does not match the data in storage.
The command stops.
Correct the data and retry.
The requested data could not be found within the scan limits.
The command stops.
None. This is an informational message only.
A symbol in a dynamic address string could not be resolved.
The command stops.
Correct the symbol and retry the command.
An OMEGAMON module address was found to be 0, indicating that it is not available for this command.
The command stops.
None. This is an informational message only.
The cross memory commands are not allowed against this address space.
The command stops.
Use the appropriate local commands.
The address pointer value was 0 when an indirect request (? or %) was encountered while interpreting the address string.
The command stops.
None. This is not necessarily an error.
The requested address space or jobname cannot be found.
The command stops.
Correct the name and retry.
A cross-memory zap was attempted on an unauthorized region.
The command stops.
Make sure that the zap is being applied to the correct region.
A cross memory command was used where a local command is appropriate.
The command stops.
Use the local command format.
A cross memory command was used where a local command is appropriate.
The command stops.
Use the local command format.
The displayed address was developed while interpreting the address string. It is not valid for the named address space.
The command stops.
Correct as necessary.
The displayed address was used to fetch data and is not a valid target address.
The command stops.
Correct and retry.
The verify data does not match the storage data.
The command stops.
Correct and retry.
The SRB that was scheduled returned an unknown code.
The command stops.
Contact IBM Software Support.
The target/indirect address xxxxxxxx is store-protected and should not be modified.
The command stops.
Use the action character if APF-authorized and retry.
The target/indirect address xxxxxxxx is fetch-protected and cannot be read.
The command stops.
Use the action character if APF-authorized and retry.
The target/indirect address xxxxxxxx cannot be located.
The command stops.
Correct the address and retry.
The current display truncated because of an invalid address. The next page of storage is either undefined or fetch-protected.
The command stops.
Correct the address or length and retry.
The MDEF command could not define the substitution symbol cccccccc. OMEGAMON cannot define a substitution symbol that begins with an ampersand (&).
The command stops.
Replace the ampersand with another character and retry the MDEF command.
The specified command could not obtain a work area.
The command stops.
Increase the region size of the address space by a minimum of nnnK. Alternatively, use the WSIZ minor of PEEK or FNDU to decrease the work area size by nnnK.
The FNDU or PEEK SRB to collect data failed to complete its task because the data area it needed was too small.
Use the WSIZ minor of FNDU or PEEK to increase the work area.
The command was issued with the action character, and OMEGAMON was collecting.
None. This is an informational message only.
The SRB to collect data failed to complete its task because a control block does not contain valid data. The variable cccc is one of the following control blocks:
Re-enter the command. You may want to list the control block and verify its contents.
The SRB to collect data failed to complete its task (possibly because the SRB is in a loop). xxxx is the hex offset into the PEEK module.
If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.
The SRB routine returned a nonstandard code.
The PEEK process stops.
If the error persists, contact IBM Software Support.
There is insufficient SQA.
The command aborts.
Try the command later when more SQA is available.
There is insufficient memory for the save area.
The command stops.
Try the command later when there is more memory available.
The SRB failed during initialization.
The command stops.
Contact IBM Software Support.
The user requested an invalid channel set.
Command processing stops.
Correct command parameters and retry.
The command text can be a maximum of 126 characters.
The command is not executed.
Specify the command text so that it is no more than 126 characters.
The system name was not followed by a blank space or by a comma.
The command is not executed.
Supply a system name followed by a blank space or a comma.
System names must be from 1–8 characters in length.
The command is not executed.
Supply a valid system name.
The CPU is not defined in the PCCA.
Specify a CPU that is defined to your system (see the IBM OS/VS2 System Programming Library or MVS/Extended Architecture Debugging Handbooks for a CPU definition).
The specified channel does not exist.
Specify a channel number that exists on the system.
The external routine for GDEV encountered a link error.
The command stops processing.
Contact IBM Software Support.
An invalid device class was entered as input to the GLST command.
The GLST command is terminated.
Correct the invalid input parameter. The help text for the GLST command displays the valid input parameters.
The EDTINFO interface routine used by the GLST command returned with a non-zero return code, nn, processing device class aaaa.
Processing continues, but that device class will not be displayed.
Contact IBM Software Support.
A call to the subsystem has resulted in a nonzero return code during execution of the GDEV command.
The GDEV command continues to process, however, there will be no data for devices defined as dynamic.
Contact IBM Software Support.