ISPF has returned a severe error condition code to the OMEGAMON ISPF driver.
System action
The ISPF session stops.
User response
Look for other messages and take appropriate action.
ISPF has returned a severe error condition code to the OMEGAMON ISPF driver.
The ISPF session stops.
Look for other messages and take appropriate action.
The TSO service task has returned the error code indicated.
The ISPF session stops.
Examine the error code and take appropriate action. Refer to the IBM® manual, TSO Extensions User’s Guide.
ISPF issued a nonzero return code in response to /ATTACH.
The ISPF session stops.
Examine the return code and take appropriate action.
The monitor task (OMEGAMON) terminated with the indicated return code.
The task stops.
None. This is an informational message only.
The monitor task (OMEGAMON) terminated with the indicated abend code.
The task stops.
Contact IBM Software Support.
The PARM string entered was too long, causing internal buffer overflow.
The task stops.
Shorten the PARM string and retry the command.
The ISPF driver module was unable to load ISPLINK, the ISPF interface.
The task stops.
Make sure a copy is available to the ISPF driver.
The SPF driver module could not find the OMSPF01 panel.
The task stops.
Be sure the panel is in the correct ISPF library and retry.
The OMSPFD variable was not in the panel.
The task stops.
Make sure that the correct panel is installed and that user changes have not caused this field to be omitted.
ISPF indicated a short-on-storage condition.
The task stops.
Increase the TSO address space region and retry.
Internal data truncation occurred within a panel variable.
The task stops.
Make sure that the variable lengths shown in the panel have not been changed.
A variable that the ISPF driver requires could not be found in the ISPF subpools.
The task stops.
This is an internal error. Contact IBM Software Support.
The screen parameters are invalid for ISPF mode. COLS and ROWS must match the TSO specification for the device.
The task stops.
Correct the screen specification parameters (COLS and ROWS) and restart.
ISPLINK returned a code 20 or higher to the calling task.
The task stops.
Contact IBM Software Support.