Command reference

This section lists all the commands displayed through OMEGAMON for CICS (3270). They are listed in alphabetical order. For more detailed information like keywords, see the command help online.

Command usage

Enter the commands that start with a slash (/) on the INFO-line, which is the line indicated by underscores at the top of the screen.

Enter all other commands starting in column two on any blank line of the screen.

OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) commands

These are the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) commands.

Table 1. OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) commands
Command Format Description Example Comments
ACTN ACTN Displays any lines that require an operator action.

The minor command of CONS and CONU.

AIDK AIDK <keyword=ccccKILL> Stops the CICS Automatic Initiate® Descriptor. Use an asterisk (*) to specify a generic transaction or terminal ID. AIDK TRAN=AB*KILL This example kills Automatic Initiate Descriptors beginning with AB.
AIDS AIDS <keyword=ccccc> Displays Automatic Initiate Descriptors (AID) information.    
AMAP AMAP <a> Displays the private area virtual storage utilization.

The minor command of PEEK.

AMAPA Displays the virtual storage utilization above the 16M line
AMAPB Displays the virtual storage utilization below the 16M line.
ATF ATF <aaaaa> Controls the Application Trace Facility data collector. ATF <START> This example starts the Application Trace Facility collector. The ONDV must be active in order to record trace data. The ATF command generates the ONDV START command if ONDV is not already active.

The level of detail trace information collected for third party products depends on whether task and file monitoring are enabled for the third party product, either dynamicall using the COLL command, or specifying AUTO_START=YES in the global data module.

ATFF ATFF keyword <keyword=cccc...> Manages the Application Trace Facility Filters. ATFF


In this example, the blank displays the possible keywords. The <Add> keyword without further operand displays all the necessary keywords to add a filter.
ATFF TRanid=tttt This example specifies a specific or generic transaction ID. Use wildcard characters to specify a generic Transaction ID. A transaction id that runs under the umbrella can not be specified. You must specify the CICS transaction id of the umbrella.

The generic transaction, terminal, or user IDs can be specified using an asterisk wildcard character (*) as a trailing character or a question mark (?) for single character substitution. For example, TRAN=D??V

/ATTN /ATTN Emulates the program attention (PA1) key   In OMEGAMON AI for CICS, the PA1 key resets the color and clears the screen.
/AUP /AUPccc Controls the automatic update mode.   When the automatic update mode is on, the screen updates at a regular interval without having to press ENTER. This command applies to VTAM® mode only.
.AUP .AUP<aaa>ON|OFF Displays or resets the status of the automatic update mode in VTAM.   When the automatic update mode is on, the screen updates at a regular interval without having to press ENTER. This command applies to VTAM mode only.
AVQ AVQnnn Sets the average IOS queue depth threshold for the XDSK minor command of CDEV.

The minor command of CDEV.

AVQ105 This example sets the queue depth threshold to 10.5
BLST BLST <ccc<aaa>> Displays and controls the wait reason data collection bucket sets.   When you display all the wait reason bucket sets, each line starts with a colon (:), which allows you to type over the characters in the ON/OFF column with ON or OFF. ON activates the appearance of the wait reason on the bottleneck analysis displays, while OFF suppresses the wait reason display. Neither ON or OFF affect the wait reason data collection.
/BOTTOM /BOTTOM Scrolls to the bottom of the logical screen.    
CDEV CDEV Displays the long term CICS device utilization.    
CICM CICM ccccc Runs the commands to the common interface. CICM STOP OBVTAM This example stops the OBVTAM subtask of the common interface. If you need to enter a common interface command longer than 73 characters, enter the command in a member of the common interface control file. then enter an EXEC command to the common interface to process the member.
CICS CICS <ccccccc> Displays the active CICS regions and switches monitoring to another region.   CICS ignores swapped out regions, those in transition, and the current target region. When another valid region is selected, CICS stops the current session and initiates a new session automatically.
CINT CINT? or CINT n1,n2,n3 Displays or sets response time data collector time intervals.   The default intervals are taken from the GLOBAL_OPTIONS module. You can change the time interval values only when the response time data collector is inactive. To collect response time data, you must define transaction, program, or terminal groups. Use the GRPS command to define or change groups.
CMT -CMT cccc <,n> Displays or sets the main terminal function values. -CMT AMX,3 This example specifies 3 as the maximum number of active tasks.
.CN .CNxxx or .CN cc Opens, closes, swaps, or sets address of the secondary console. .CN OP or .CN649 These example's, open the secondary console. Note that you must precede .CN cc with a .CNxxx entry or set the address to 649.

This command works in dedicated mode only.

CNT nCNT<cc> Displays counts of response times recorded for ID groups.

The minor command of CSLT and CRSP.

COLL COLL Displays or changes the status of the file and database collectors.    
CON CONnnn Sets the average device connect time threshold for the XDSK minor command of CDEV.

The minor command of the CDEV command.



Displays the console image for the specified console.   CONS nn displays three types of information on the command line: the type of console (CONSOLE or main CONSOLE), the console’s device number, and the console’s ID number (as in ID=3)
CONU CONU<nn> Displays the console image for the console at device address nnn.   CONU nnn displays two types of information on the command line: the type of console (CONSOLE or main CONSOLE) and the console’s number (as in ID=3).
COPY COPY<nn> Specifies the number of copies to print.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  COPY is active under SYSOUT control. If you set the HOLD minor command to YES, JES ignores this command.
CORE CORE Displays a menu of CICS control blocks and their respective commands.    
CRSP CRSP Selects time interval response time monitoring.   Time interval monitoring uses a combination of major and minor commands. CRSP selects time interval monitoring, and the TIME minor command displays response time data for transaction, program, and terminal groups. The CNT minor displays counts for these groups.

To collect response time data, you must define transaction, program, or terminal groups. You can use the GRPS command to define or change ID groups.

CSA CSA<aaaa> Displays the CICS Common System Area (CSA).   CSA displays information about the CICS Common System Area.
CSAR CSAR Displays CSA and ECSA real memory allocated by key.   CSAR lists each key, the standard key user, the CSA and ECSA real memory allocated to the key, and the total memory allocated.
CSLT nCSLT Selects response time monitoring by time slots.   Time slot monitoring uses a combination of major and minor commands. CSLT selects time slot monitoring, and the TIME minor command displays response time data for transaction, program, and terminal groups. The CNT minor displays counts for these groups.

To collect response time data, you must define transaction, program, and terminal groups. You can use the GRPS command to define or change ID groups.

CSWP CSWP <cccccccc> Displays or sets the swap status/DONTSWAP count of CICS.   The current DONTSWAP count reflects the number of OKSWAP SYSEVENTS that must be issued before the address space is again considered for swapping by the system resources manager (SRM).
CSYS CSYS<GRAPH> Displays general information about the CICS address space.    
CVSW CVSW Displays files experiencing string waits and LSR buffer waits.    
.D .D nn Deletes n lines.    
DADR DADR Displays the address of the device.

The minor command of the device major commands, for example, DEV.

DALC DALC Displays number of current allocations to the devices.

The minor command of the device major commands.

DATA XDATA Displays data space and hyperspace activity for an address space.

The minor command of the PEEK command.

DB2® DB2<cccc> Displays information about the CICS/DB2 interface.   DB2 displays information about the CICS/DB2 interface as defined in the Resource Control Table.
DCAT DCAT Displays whether a device is static, installation-static, or dynamic.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, the DEV command.

/DCL /DCL Deletes all comment lines (> in column 1) on the screen.   A comment line is any line with a greater-than symbol (>) in column 1.
.DCL .DCL Deletes its own line and all comment lines below it.   A comment line is any line with a greater-than symbol (>) in column 1.
.DD .DD Deletes a block of data from the screen.   To delete a block of lines from the physical screen, enter .DD on the first line of the block and .DD on the last line.
DDN DDN<nnn> Displays information about all allocated ddnames and data sets.

The minor command of the PEEK command.

  If a ddname is associated with a multi volume data set, only the first allocated volume is displayed.
DDNM DDNM<cccccccc> Displays or overrides standard OMEGAMON AI for CICS ddname.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  Your environment determines allowable ddnames. If the value you enter is not allowed, OMEGAMON AI for CICS displays it again where you entered it and does not transfer it to the pending column.
/DEF /DEFccc Sets the definition mode.   /DEF is the INFO-LINE command, see the .DEF command.
.DEF .DEF<aaa> Displays or re sets the definition mode.   Definition mode inhibits automatic updating of a dedicated or VTAM mode session so you can define a screen space that includes commands that comment themselves out or otherwise change form after execution.
DELT DELT<a>cccccccc Deletes the specified screen space. DELT SAMPLE This example deletes the screen names SAMPLE.
DEST DEST<cccccccc> Specifies destination cccccccc to receive report or XLFLOG.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  The DEST minor is under SYSOUT control. The default is *NONE*, which sends the output to the local printer. If the destination is a user ID, and there is more than one device destination, use the DSTU minor command.
DEV DEV cccccccc|xxxx Selects a disk with a specified volser number or unit address. DEV 5200 This example selects the disk at address 5200. For an online device, DEV returns a message in this format:DEV xxx Volser=cccccc Online Alloc
DEVL DEVL cccccccc xxxx Selects listed devices by unit address or volser number.   You can mix addresses and volsers on one line. If you list an invalid address or volser, or if you specify the same disk twice, OMEGAMON AI for CICS eliminates the invalid or duplicate value from the list.
DEVP DEVP/n Selects devices by a pattern that has been set with .SPT.    
DEX DEX <aaaaa <keyword=nn> > Controls the bottleneck analysis data collector.   The data collector must be turned on in order to use bottleneck analysis. The threshold specifies the percentage of wait reason occurrences over which bottleneck analysis displays wait reasons. When the long-term interval elapses, the long-term buckets are set to the current value of the short-term buckets and the short-term buckets are set to zero.
DING DING Forces the terminal bell to ring.   The bell must be activated with the BELL=ON option of the OPTN command.
DIO DIO<.a> Displays start I/O on drive (RMF required).

The minor command of the device majors, for example, CDEV.

DIO .S This example displays I/O rate per second.

This applies to RMF only. Use the DIO command to display I/O rates or increments by adding modifiers in columns 6-7 (note the blank in column 5).

DIO .M This example displays I/O rate per minute.
DIO .H This example displays I/O rate per hour.
DIOQ DIOQ Displays the depth of I/O queue for the devices.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, CDEV.

  Use a device major to select the devices for DIOQ.
DISK DISK<AL> Selects disk drives (DASDs).    
DLI DLI <aaaaaaa> Displays CICS/DLI interface information.    
DLST DLST Displays all DASD devices (online or offline).    
.DM C.DMxxx Dumps 4 hex bytes at offset xxx from Unit Control Block (UCB).

The minor command of the device majors, for example, CDEV.

  The .DM command is considered a generalized minor command because it can be used with several major commands.
DOPN DOPN Displays the number of open DCBs on the device(s).

The minor command of the device majors, for example, CDEV.

/DOWN /DOWN <cccc> or /D <cccc> Scrolls down the screen a specified number of lines.   The /D is the alias for /DOWN.
DPIN DPIN Displays whether a device is pinned.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DISK.

DPLT DPLTnn Displays device activity every nn milliseconds for 50 samples.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DEV.

  This command requires RMF.
DRES DRES Displays reserve count from this CPU.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DEV or DISK.

.DSA .DSA<aa> DSA Sets authorization to list and/or zap non-sharable data spaces.    
DSC DSCnnn Sets the average device disconnect time threshold for the XDSK minor command of CDEV.

The minor command of CDEV.

.DSE .DSE Displays the status of the stack screen.   DSE displays the following status:
  • The screen stacking facility
  • GETMAINed size of each screen
  • Time stamp indicating when the screen was stacked
  • Total amount of storage allocated for all stacked screens
  • Relative position of the current stack entry pointer
DSKB DSKB Displays busy devices.    
DSKC DSKC Displays devices with suspended channel programs.    
DSKE DSKE Displays permanently resident DASD devices.    
DSKG DSKG Selects mass storage virtual volumes.    
DSKM DSKM Displays DASD devices waiting on.    
DSKN DSKN Displays all disks with volsers that begin with the characters cc.    
DSKP DSKP Displays DASD volumes mounted as PUBLIC.    
DSKQ DSKQ Displays DASD devices with I/O queue length of nn or more.    
DSKR DSKR Displays disks currently reserved from this CPU.    
DSKS DSKS Displays disks with the STORAGE mount attribute.    
DSKU DSKU Displays disks with UCB names starting with xx.    
DSKV DSKV Displays disks mounted as private.    
DSTA DSTA Displays the device mount status.

The minor command of the disk majors, for example, DEV and DISK.

  The status can be PRIVATE, PUBLIC, or STORAGE.
DSTU DSTU<cccccccc Displays or sets destination user ID for log output.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  DSTU is active under SYSOUT control.
DTYP DTYP Displays the device type.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DEV.

DUMP nDUMP <DUMP> Displays the status of the CICS dump component.    
DUSR DUSR Displays current user of device.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DEV.

DUT DUTnnn Sets the average device utilization threshold for the XDSK minor command of CDEV.

The minor command of CDEV.

DUT60 Sets device utilization threshold to 60%.
DVMP DVMP Displays the unit control block (UCB) for the device in hex format.

The minor command of the device majors, for example, DEV or TAPE.

  The DVMP command dumps the UCB, the UCB prefix, and all appropriate extensions for the device. It also shows the device status.
DVOL DVOL Displays volser of selected the disk or tape device.

The minor command of device majors, for example, DISK or TAPE.

EIB EIB <<keyword=cccccccc>,cccc> Displays information about the CICS EXEC Interface Block. EIB <SUMarry> This example displays summary EIB information.
ENQ nENQ <QEA=xxxxxxxx> | <RESOURCE=cccccccc> <DUMP> Displays tasks waiting on enqueues and the owners of these resources.    
EXIT EXIT <EPBS> Displays all global user exits. When the EPBS parameter is specified, it displays the CICS Exit Program Blocks.    
.EXM .EXM <n> or .EXM <c1 c2> Lists and runs all minor commands for the preceding major command. .EXM A F This example runs the minors for the preceding major that have names starting with A through F.
.EXP .EXP Displays the expiration date of the product.   OMEGAMON AI for CICS does not have an expiration date.
EXSY EXSY<nn> Invokes exception analysis.    
.FGO .FGO cccccccc
.FGO cccccccc &bbbbbbbb aa value
.FGO dddddd=YES
Moves to the specified screen space with no display.   This command is also useful for the Automatic Screen Facility (ASF) and the Timed Screen Facility (TSF). If logging is in effect, the screens are logged. The .FGO command is turned off after 64 cycles (screen spaces) to protect against a looping condition.
.FGO SAMPLE This example goes to screen space named SAMPLE.
.FGO ZZONDVSH &ZCONDVLV=SUMMARY This example goes to screen space ZZONDVSH if &ZCONDVLV is equal to SUMMARY.
FILE FILE <keyword=cccc,keyword=cccc...> Search for and display data sets allocated to the CICS region.    
FOLD FOLD<ccc> Prints lowercase alphabetic characters in uppercase.

The minor of the OUTP command.

  FOLD is active under ddname or SYSOUT control.
FORM FORM<ccc> Displays or sets the name of the form on which to print log output.

The minor of the OUTP command.

  Your installation determines values for FORM.
GDEV nGDEVcccccc Lists online DASD and tape devices with the generic name cccccc.   Use GLST to list the generic names in the system.
GDFN GDFN<keyword=value keyword=value ...> Displays/sets an exception group for exception analysis.   Enter GDFN on each new line if the keywords and values that you specify cannot fit on only one line.
GLOB GLOB or GLOB <cccc> Displays the Global Data Area settings. (IBM® Software Support uses this command for problem diagnosis.) GLOB This example displays the sub options.
GLOB GLOB This example displays Global Data Area contents (including the PTF level).
GLST GLST<cccc> Lists esoteric and generic device names. GLST CTC DASD This example displays direct access and channel to channel device esoteric and generic names.
GRPS GRPS <operand <keyword=arg,keyword=arg,...>> Add, update, delete, and display Groups and their element(s).    
/HELP /HELP or /H Invokes the HELP screen space.   The /H is the alias for /HELP. Use /HELP or /H to call up the HELP screen space, which tells you more about the functions, features, and operation of OMEGAMON for CICS (3270). To get help for an individual command, enter a question mark (?) in column 1 preceding the command. If there is extended help for the command, a plus sign (+) appears at the end of the one-line help. To see the extended help, enter a slash (/) or semicolon (;) in column 1 preceding the command.
/HOLD /HOLDaaa Controls screen space updating.   The /HOLD command is designed for users of VM/PASSTHRU. If you are not a user of VM/PASSTHRU, /HOLD functions the same as placing the cursor in column 1, row 1.
HOLD HOLD<ccc> Displays or sets whether output is to be placed in the hold queue. HOLD is active under SYSOUT control. If you set HOLD to YES, JES ignores the setting for COPY command.

The HOLD and COPY commands are minor commands of OUTP.

.I .I <nn> Inserts a blank line or lines. The .I command does not interrupt command output. If you invoke .I between a command and the end of its output, OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) inserts the blank lines immediately following the output.   The .I is to be followed by two blanks before 'nn'.
IACL IACL<n> Sets the long-term clearing interval for the impact analysis display. IACL This example clears long-term intervals and gives current value.
IACL1 This example sets the long-term interval equals short-term interval.
IACL2 This example sets the long-term interval equals current short-term interval plus previous short-term interval.
IACS IACS<nn> Sets the length of the short-term clearing interval. IACS This example clears the short term interval and gives the current value.
IANC IANC<n> Sets the maximum number of CICS regions or region groups to monitor.   You must set the maximum before initiating the impact analysis session. Otherwise, you must stop the collector with the IANL END command first.



aIANL <jobname<,LIST|DELETE>>

Shows the MVS workload impact on your CICS workload.    
IANQ IANQ<ON|OFF|nn> Sets the enqueue sampling interval for impact analysis. The default if OFF. If ON is specified, the default enqueue sampling interval is 10 cycles. IANQ5 This example sets the enqueue sampling interval to 5 cycles. You cannot adjust enqueue collection while the collector is running. You must do so before you start the collector. Or, you must stop the collector (use IANL END command), adjust enqueue collection, and then restart the collector (use IANL command). You can display the current enqueue sampling interval during active collection.
IAST IAST<nn> Sets the impact analysis sampling interval in tenths of a second.   Since impact analysis is based on a statistical sampling technique, smaller sampling intervals provide more accurate data, but do so at the expense of CPU time. Larger intervals reduce the accuracy of the data. Use the default, .9 seconds, before adjusting the sampling interval for your system.
IATH IATH<nn|0> Sets the impact analysis severity threshold by percentage. IATH5 This example sets the threshold to 5 percent. By default, only those impact sources that account for five percent or more of the total non-idle time of the CICS region or group are shown on the display. The IATH command does not comment itself out after it runs.
IATO IATO<nn> Displays or sets the impact analysis timeout interval. IATO1 This example sets the impact analysis timeout interval to one minute. The IATO command can be issued whether or not the impact analysis collector is active.
ICEK ICEK<keyword=cccc KILL> Stops the CICS Interval Control Element (ICE). ICEK TRAN=AB* KILL This example kills ICEs for transaction IDs beginning with AB. Use the asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify a generic transaction or terminal ID.
ICES ICES <keyword=cccc> Displays CICS interval control element (ICE) information.    
ICHP ICHPn Displays installed channel path n for a device.

The minor command of device majors, DISK or TAPE.

ID1 ID1<cccccccc> Requests separator pages and headers to identify OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) sessions.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  ID1 is active under ddname or SYSOUT control.
ID2 ID2<ccc...ccc> Defines up to 16 characters on the left of separator page.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  ID2 is active under SYSOUT or ddname control.
ID3 ID3<ccc...ccc> Defines up to 16 characters in the center of separator page.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  ID3 is active under ddname or SYSOUT control.
ID4 ID4<ccc...ccc> Defines up to 16 characters on the right of separator page.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  ID4 is active under ddname or SYSOUT control.
.ILC ILC </cccccccc> Displays all INFO-line commands if no operand was specified. If the name of an INFO-line command is specified, then the help for the command is displayed.    
INTR INTR <aaaaa <keyword=nn> > Displays and controls the status of interval recording.    
IOPT IOPT<keyword=value keyword=value ...> Sets global OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) installation options.   The IOPT command settings do not take effect until your next session.
IOS IOSnnn Sets IOS queue time threshold for the XDSK command of CDEV.

The minor of the CDEV command.

IPRF IPRF SAVE|DELETE Saves/deletes the installation default profile.   The installation profile identification is internally generated. The two character product code followed by the constant, INSTAL, identifies the installation profile. For example, OCINSTAL serves as the installation profile identifier for the OMEGAMON®OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) component.
IPRO IPRO <PDEXnn|IANL cccccccc|GROUP=aaaaaaaaaaaa> Displays the resource impact or workload impact profile. If you do not specify a jobname or groupname, IPRO defaults to the last job or group specified with the IANL command. IPRO PDEX10 This example displays the resource impact profile for transaction group 10.
IPRO IANL GROUP=CICSGROUP1 This example displays the workload impact profile for the CICSGROUP1 region group.
JOBS JOBS Displays job information.

The minor command of the PEEK command.

  Displays the Start time and date Jobclass Msgclass and Programmer name.
KILL KILL <keyword=cccc...> Displays a summary of all current CICS tasks, or details for a specific task, or ends a specific task after user confirmation.    
LEXC LEXC<cccc=n> Displays or sets order of exceptions for exception analysis sampling. LEXC AMXP=1 CMXP=2 When you enter one or more operands, the LEXC command does not display exception settings. Any sequence of exceptions defined by the LEXC command can be saved in a user profile.
LINE LINEnn Displays nn lines of the console.

The minor command of CONS and CONU.

LNCT LNCT<nn> Sets the number of lines per page for REPORT file and XLFLOG output.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  The LNCT command takes effect immediately. The the pending and current line number settings are always equal.
/LOG /LOGccc Controls the REPORT log. /LOGON Turns on the REPORT log. The word LOG appears on the INFO-line when the log is turned on. /L alias for /LOG ON.
/LOGOFF Turns the REPORT log off. /F is the alias for /LOG OFF.
/LOGOUT Prints the current log and leaves it open. /O is the alias for /LOG OUT.
.LOG .LOG<aaaa> Turns on/off the REPORT log   The .LOG command is especially useful for ASF or TSF screens.
LSCR LSCRccc ccc... Loads screen spaces from RKOCPCSV to the in-storage screen facility.   The LSCR command loads screen spaces from the RKOCPCSV data set to the in-storage screen facility. You can specify as many screen names as will fit on the input line. Screens loaded at initiation remain in memory throughout the session. Repeat lines as necessary for more screens.
LSR LSR <cccc | POOL=nnn<,ddddd>> Displays the Local Shared Resource (LSR) pools.    
MAXR MAXR <CPU=n> Displays or sets the value of the global CPU time monitoring limit.   If n > 0, transactions (except those whose programs start with DFH) with CPU time greater than n, trip the MAXR exception.
MCHN MCHNc addr,string,olen,chain,dlen Scans common area control block chains.   The MCHN command displays the control block chain that contains the string if the scan is successful.
MDEF MDEFcc addr,name Displays or sets names for addresses.    
.MIN a.MIN<n> or a.MIN<c1 c2> Lists all minor commands for the preceding major command. H.MIN B D This example displays help for the minors of the preceding major that begin with the letters B through D.
.MJ a.MJ<cc> Lists all major and immediate commands.    
.MJC .MJC<cc> Lists all major commands.    
.MJI a.MJI<cc> Lists all immediate commands.    
MLST -MLSTc addr,dlen Displays bytes of memory from commonly-addressable storage.   To display fetch-protected areas, you must supply the action character in the label field.
.MMA .MMAcccc Lists all major commands for a minor command.    
MSCN MSCNc addr,string,slen,dlen Displays the location in storage of a specific string.    
MZAP -MZAP addr+offset,xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy Sets the contents of commonly addressable storage.    
.NXE .NXE<aaa> Controls message display for exceptions not currently being tested.   The .NXE command controls whether the product displays exception messages for exceptions that have occurred during a previous cycle, but that are not currently being tested. To set the frequency for testing an exception, use the ExNcyc keyword of the XACB command.
OCHP OCHPn Displays online channel path n for the device.

The minor command of device majors, for example, DISK or TAPE.

  An asterisk wildcard character (*) displays next to the channel number when the device is installed but not online.
OCMD -OCMDnn <CONS=<conid|conname>> ccccc Issues MVS and JES commands.    
OMEG This is not an OMEGAMON AI for CICS command; this is the CICS transaction that controls OMEGAMON AI for CICS in the CICS address space.   OMEG INIT The INIT parameter of the OMEG transaction causes OMEGAMON AI for CICS to initialize in the CICS address space.
OMEG SHUT The SHUT parameter of the OMEG transaction causes OMEGAMON AI for CICS to end data collection in the CICS address space.
OMEG REMOVE Causes OMEGAMON AI for CICS to shut down and remove all traces of itself, except for one maintenance free load module. A subsequent OMEG INIT transaction at a CICS terminal causes all load modules to be refreshed.
ONDV ONDV <cccc> Displays historical task related data.    
OPT OPT <PURGE|NOPURGE|OPER> Displays or sets CICS shutdown option.    
OPTN OPTN<keyword=value keyword=value ...> Sets the global options. OPTN ASF=ON LOG=ON SCREENCASE=UPPER Turns the ASF and log function features on, and sets screen output to uppercase.
OSPC OSPC cccccccc Lists attributes of the owner of a data space.    
OUTP OUTP XLFLOG|REPORT Displays specified heading for minor commands for XLFLOG or REPORT.    
PDEX PDEX<nn> <id> <mm> Displays bottleneck analysis wait reasons by percentage.   The PDEX command provides bottleneck analysis information by displaying CICS task wait reasons by percentage of total system activity.
PDSK PDSK nnnnnn Displays CICS DASD devices whose volser matches the supplied pattern.

Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match any character. an asterisk at the end of a string causes any following characters to match.

The PDSK command is the minor of the CDEV command.

PDSK VS* This example selects any devices strating with VS, for example, VSRESA,VSAM1, and VS.
PDSK *VOL01 This example selects devices like AVOL01, BVOL01.
PDSK* This example selects all DASD devices.
PEEK PEEK cccccccc Collects data on the address space cccccccc.    
.PFK a.PFK <nn=cccc</*comment>> Displays or sets PF key definitions for the session. .PFK15=STOP This example assigns the STOP command to PF15.
.PFK18=_ This example deletes the definition for PF18.
PND PNDnnn Sets the device pending time threshold for the XDSK minor command of CDEV.

The PND command is the minor of the CDEV command.

PPRF PPRF aaaaaaaaa <cc> Saves, deletes, comments or lists the user's session profile.   When you do not supply a user profile identifier, PPRF applies to the current profile, using the value of the USER= start parameter.
/PRINT /PRINT or /P Prints the current logical screen.   When this command runs, a >LOGGED< message is displayed on the INFO-line to confirm that printing has occurred. The .PLM limit does not affect this command.
.PRM .PRM Displays the current values of the start up command parameters. IOMODE=cc This example displays the current I/O mode; this is not the mode that appears on the INFO-line. It is the two character code entered as the mode in the start up parameters. In VTAM mode it is displayed as IOMODE=IC.
USER=cc The OCUSERcc module suffix.
ROWS=nn The number of rows on the physical terminal.
LROWS=nnn The number of rows per screen that are available for scrolling or printing.
COLS=nnn The number of columns on the physical terminal.
UNIT=ccc The terminal address of a dedicated session. This does not appear in the TSO mode.
.PRT .PRT<H> Prints the specified portion of the screen to the report file.    
PSW PSW Displays the CICS PSW and TCB general purpose registers.   The PSW command displays the PSW and TCB general purpose registers for the CICS major TCBs (quasi-reentrant, resource owning and concurrent).
/PWD /PWD cccccccc Specifies a password for a session.   Some commands might require that you enter a password before you attempt to run them. Use the /PWD command to enter your password. You are prompted for a password after you enter the /PWD command. For security reasons, the password does not appear on the screen. The password remains in effect until you reset it by pressing the PA1 key or entering the /ATTN or /PWD command.
.R .R <nnn> Repeats the preceding major or minor command sequence n times.   This command is helpful for use with the major commands that select more items than can fit on a line.
RATE RATE <RESET> | <keyword=cccc...> Transaction rates for the transactions exceeding the thresholds.   The optional operands can be entered with the rate command or their values modified by over typing the command line output.
.RC .RC Repeats the preceding major or minor command sequences to display all items.   The .RC command repeats the preceding sequence of major and minor commands from a major command that selects multiple items up to .RC; it repeats the sequence until all items selected by the major are displayed.
RENM RENMa bbbbbbbb cccccccc Renames a screen space. The rename request is ignored if the RKOCPCSV DD statement consists of concatenated data sets. RENMI SAMPLE SAMPLE2 This example renames screen space SAMPLE to SAMPLE2 in the in-storage screen facility.
/REP /REP cccccccc <a> Replaces the existing screen space or PFK definition.   The /REP command only replaces existing named screen spaces.
/RESHOW /RESHOW Displays a new copy of the current screen space.   After you have altered the screen by deleting or adding commands, you might want to obtain a new copy of the screen. If you assign a function key to the /RESHOW command, you do not need to retype the current screen space name to refresh the screen.
RESP nRESP <ID=cccccccc> | <G|TR|TE|P | <N=nn> Displays response times over the last 10 minutes for monitored IDs.    
RLIM RLIM <ON|OFF> Displays the status of resource limiting. You must first define thresholds for the CICS resources and transactions.

If resource limiting is active, OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) purges any CICS transaction reaching its resource limit.

If resource limiting is not active, no CICS transactions are purged regardless of how many resources they use.

GLOB RLIM Displays the type of resource limiting set up.
.RMF .RMF This command displays whether or not RMF is active. When OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) is authorized, it also displays the RMF version code and version number, the current interval length, and the cycle time.    
RMFS RMFS nnn Sets the RMF level when it has selected the default.   For example, RMFS 351 monitors a system that is running RMF level 3.5.1. RMFS cannot change the RMF level setting when the product has dynamically determined the correct level. Use the .RMF command to display the level of RMF that your system is running.
RSP nRSP<TX|PG|TR> Displays moving time slot response time data.    
RSP RSPnnn Sets device pending time threshold for the XDSK command.

The minor command of the CDEV command.

RTA RTA <ccccc> | <keyword=n> Controls the response time collector status and RSP display scale or window.    
.RTN n.RTN<NR><cccccccc> Returns to the calling screen space during ASF or TSF processing   Required at the bottom of the last screen in an ASF or TSF sequence. It returns to the calling or specified screen and re-enables exception analysis for further automatic calls.
/SAVE /SAVE cccccccc <a> or /S cccccccc <a> Saves the specified screen space.   The /SAVE command works only if you have an RKOCPCSV allocated and cccccccc does not already exist. If cccccccc already exists, use the /REP command. To save the cursor in any position on the screen, move the cursor to the desired position and press enter. The cursor appears in that position whenever OMEGAMON invokes the screen. The default cursor position is on the INFO-line.
.SCC .SCC Displays or sets options for screen color or highlighting.

To define a set of options for a user profile, set the ProfileDefinitionMode keyword to ON. Changes made in this mode do not affect your current session unless you change the setting for the DISPLAY keyword from Basic, High, or Low to Color, or from Color to Basic; then the related keyword settings are automatically converted to those specified in your user profile.

.SCC Display=COLOR >>Done<< The .SCC command sets screen intensity or color options for either the current session or for a user profile. The .SCC command accepts keyword input on the command line and displays a message after the command is run.
SCHN -SCHNc jobname,spacename,addr,string,off1,


Scans data space control block.   The SSCN command scans data space storage until it finds a match to the string, the chain loops, or until the address of the next control block is zero. When necessary, an SRB is scheduled into the address space of the TCB owning the data space to be scanned.
SCRN SCRN<a><c1 c2> Lists screen member names. SCRN C D This example lists all screens stored in both disk data sets and main storage that have names starting with C or D.
SDSK aSDSK xx Selects device by string address.

The minor command of the CDEV command.

FSDSK12 This example selects all CICS DASD devices on the 12x string.
.SET .SET keyword=value keyword=value Displays or sets global values and switches. .SET PEEKSIZE=4096 DGENLIMIT=200 This example sets the PEEK buffer size to 4096 bytes and the DGENLIMIT to 200.
.SGO nSGO cccccccc <bbbbbbbb aa value> Gets the specified screen space on the next update. .SGO SAMPLE Gets screen SAMPLE.
SIT SIT<cccccc> Displays system initialization table (SIT) information.   The SIT command displays information from the CICS System Initialization Table. The values displayed reflect any SIT overrides entered during initialization.
SLST -SLSTa jobname,spacename,addr,plen Lists dataspace storage.   The SLST command lists memory from data spaces. When necessary, an SRB is scheduled into the address space of the TCB owning the data space to be listed.
SOUT SOUT<c> Displays or sets the SYSOUT class.

The minor command of the OUTP command.

  The SOUT command removes control from ddname.
.SPT .SPT</n cccccccc> Sets pattern number n to the value cccccccc for generic selection.   You can use the .SPT command to a set up to 10 patterns for use with the DEVP command and the address space major commands.

To start a pattern, follow DEVP (or any address space major) with a slash (/) and the pattern number. To start the default pattern, follow DEVP or the address space major with a /.

SSCN -SSCNa jobname,spacename,addr,string,len1,len2 Scans data space storage for a specified string of data.   The SSCN command scans data space storage until it finds a match to the string or the length of storage specified is exhausted. When necessary, an SRB is scheduled into the address space of the TCB owning the data space to be scanned.
STEP STEP Displays information about the region and program for this step.

The minor command of PEEK.

  For each region, STEP displays the region size, storage in use, limit, current program, and so forth.
/STK /STK <ccccc> Performs screen stacking functions.   Recalled stacked entries remain on the stack until explicitly deleted or cleared.
/STOP /STOP Stops the current user session.    
STOP STOP Stops the current user session.    
STOR STOR <cccc...> CICS storage data and storage usage by tasks and CICS subpools.    
SUBP aSUBP<nn> Displays information about storage allocated in sub pools.

The minor command of the PEEK command.

SZAP -SZAP jobname,spacename,addr,vercode,repcode Zaps data space storage.   The SZAP commands zaps memory in data spaces. When necessary, an SRB is scheduled into the address space of the TCB owning the data space to be zapped.
TABL TABL <tablename> <keyword=cccc,keyword=cccc...> Search and display CICS Tables and their entries.    
TAPE TAPE Selects all online tape drives.    
TASK nTASK <operand | keyword=cccc....> Displays summary information about all tasks currently executing in CICS, or detail information about a selected task.    
TCBS aTCBS Displays the task control block (TCB) structure.

The minor command of the PEEK command.

TCTV TCTV <DUMP> Displays Terminal Control Table prefix information.    
TERP TERP Displays permanent read or write errors accumulated for a tape drive.

The minor command of all tape majors.

TERT TERT Displays temporary read or write errors accumulated for a tape drive.

The minor command of all tape majors.

TIME nTIME<cc> Displays response time data for ID groups.

The minor command of the CSLT and CRSP commands.

TLBL TLBL Displays the tape label type.

The minor command of all tape major commands.

  The tape label types are SL, NL, or NON-STD. BLP tapes appear as NL.
TLST TLST Selects all tape drives (online and offline).   Displays unit addresses of selected drives. Offline drives are preceded by a hyphen (-).
TMPS TMPS <DUMP> Displays Temporary Storage information.   The TMPS command displays details about the temporary storage component of CICS, including information about both auxiliary and main temporary storage.
/TOP /TOP Scrolls to top of the logical screen.   This is the same as /UP MAX or /UP TOP.
TPaa TPaa <cc> Displays selected tape drives.   Displays unit addresses of selected drives.
TRAC TRAC Displays trace control information.    
TRND TRND <DUMP> Displays Transient Data information.    
TSEQ TSEQ Displays open file sequence number on a tape drive.

The minor command of tape majors.

  Displays unit addresses of selected drives.
.TSF .TSF<ccc> Displays or sets the Timed Screen Facility (TSF). .TSFOFF This example turns TSF off.
/TSF /TSFccc Turns on/off the Timed Screen Facility (TSF).   TSF lets you define a screen space or series of screen spaces to be invoked at certain times of the day or at specified intervals. The definitions are set with the .TSF command. The screens can be named screen spaces or PF key screens kept in memory. You must save your user profile to make these changes permanent. A screen space can contain commands to turn on different analyses, as well as the log. You can use TSF to automate many of your daily tasks.
TSQ nTSQ <ID=cccccccc> <SEL=aaaa> Displays temporary storage queues.    
TSQD nTSQD <ID=cccccccc> <SEL=aaaa> Performs temporary storage queue deletions.    
TSMD nTSMD ALL <MODEL=cccccccc> <DUMP> Displays Temporary Storage Model.    
TSWD nTSWD <<QUEUE=cccccccccccccccc>
<OWNER|WAITER> <count>>
Displays Temporary Storage Queue Waits.    
/UP /UP <cccc> or /U <cccc> Scrolls up cccc lines.   /U is the alias for /UP. The initial PF setting for the /U command is PF19. If you enter any of the optional arguments on the INFO-line before you press the PF key, it interprets the entry as if you had entered the command plus the arguments.
.VAR .VAR or .VAR aaa &bbbbbbbb Displays or sets variable symbols. .VAR This example lists all defined variables.
.VAR DEL &ZSVAR This example deletes the ZSVAR variable.
VSAM nVSAM <cccccccc> Provides summary and detail display of open VSAM files.    
.VTM .VTM Displays multi-session status information.    
.WAT .WATnn Specifies a delay before running the commands that follow. .WAT02 .FGO MYSCREEN This example causes the product to wait two seconds before fetching the MYSCREEN screen space.
WEB WEB Displays the status of the web interface.   The Interface Status field displays one of the following values:
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Enabling
  • Unknown
The Web Anchor Block field displays the address of the CICS control block with information about the web interface.

The Garbage Interval field displays the frequency in minutes in which the garbage collection transaction CWBG is run to delete the marked tasks and their data.

The Timeout Interval field displays the interval at which Web 3270 sessions are eligible for garbage collection.

WSIZ WSIZ<nnn> Displays or resets the data collection work area’s size (shown in K).

The minor command of the PEEK command.

  When the work area size is changed, the work area is released, disabling all subsequent minor commands on the screen for that interval. On the subsequent interval, a new work area is obtained at the specified size.
Displays or sets exception thresholds and attributes dynamically. XACB LIST=TPDR TNRS VERBOSE FORCE Runs and displays the TPDR and TNRS exceptions in multiline format.
XDSK aXDSK Selects device by exception.

The minor command of the CDEV command.

  Exception thresholds are set with other minor commands of CDEV. (Do a .MIN command to list them.) For example, if the total device response time threshold has been set to 100 milliseconds with the RSPnnn minor command, then XDSK selects any DASD device whose total response time is greater than 100 ms.
XGRP XGRPcc Invokes exception analysis for the cc exception group.    
XGSW XGSW <GROUP=cc <STATE=ON|OFF|TEST|NDSP|NULL>> Displays or sets exception group switches.   The ON, OFF, NDSP, and TEST commands override the individual exception settings for group switches.
/XLF /XLF<ON|OFF|OUT> Turns on or off the Exception Logging Facility (XLF). /XLF OFF This example turns off the XLF. See the following command description.
.XLF .XLF<ON|OFF|OUT> Turns on or off the Exception Logging Facility (XLF).   Use the .XLF command to log exception messages automatically. This command functions only in dedicated mode or in VTAM mode with Automatic Updating in effect. .XLF writes exceptions to the XLFLOG. To view or change the defaults for this file, use the OUTP major command.
XMCH -XMCHc targ,addr,string,olen,chain,dlen Scans control block chains for a string of hex values or characters in a CICS address space.   The XMCH command displays the control block chain that contains the string if the scan is successful.
XMLS -XMLSc targ,addr,dlen Displays storage of specified CICS address space.    
XMSC -XMSCa targ,addr,string,slen,dlen Scans a CICS address space for a string of hex values or characters.   Displays the string if scan is successful.
XMZP -XMZP targ,addr,xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy Modifies a CICS address space’s private storage area.   The XMZP command schedules an SRB into the target address and modifies the contents of the indicated storage, so the XMZP command must be used with caution.
XRF XRF Displays the status of the CICS Extended Recovery Facility (XRF).    
XSUM XSUM <GROUP=cc> <LIST=I> <RESET> Displays exceptions in the specified order. Each exception is followed by its current state, threshold value (if any), and group ID. XSUM GROUP=OS LIST=I This example displays the exceptions in the OS exception group in invocation order. Each exception is followed by its current state, threshold value (if any), and group ID.
XTRP XTRP <GROUP=cc> <LIST=I> <RESET> Displays each tripped exception followed by its current state, threshold values, and group ID. XTRP GROUP=OS LIST=I This example displays exceptions that have tripped in the OS exception group in invocation order. Each exception is followed by its current state, threshold value, and group ID.
XTXT XTXT<ccc...> Specifies the message to display when no exceptions have tripped. XTXT ‘no problems’ This example displays the message 'no problems' when no exceptions have tripped.
XVSC XVSC<nn> Sets VSAM split and extent exception analysis cycle.   The setting of the XVSC command affects the frequency in which messages are displayed for VCAS, VCIS and VMEX.
.ZAP .ZAP Displays maintenance applied.   The .ZAP command displays maintenance information as well as product and environment data. This output is used primarily in consultation with IBM Software Support.
/ZERO /ZERO ccc Displays or sets the way zeros display.   You might find that the screen is easier to read when zeros are displayed as blanks (as with /ZERO OFF).
/ZOOM /ZOOM<cccc> Zooms to the screen determined by the command at the cursor location.   The cursor must not be in either row 0 or the first or last position of a row.