Unit-of-Work information

The Unit-of-Work Information area of the Task Detail panel appears as shown in this figure.

Figure 1. Task Detail Panel - Unit-of-Work Information area
+                              Unit-of-work Information
+      Netname . . . . . . . . : ISCAC001.L0046953
+      CICS token info (char). : ...G....
+      CICS token info (hex) . : A5EC6300
+                                02F73701
The unit of work section includes the following fields:
Fully qualified name by which the originating system is known to the VTAM® network. The Netname is the LU of the originating terminal. For CICS the Netname is the LU of the originating CICS region. If non-VTAM, it is networkid.generic_applid. If a DLI batch session, it is jobname.stepname.procname from the originator.
CICS token
Name by which the unit-of-work is known within the originating system. Uses an STCK-derived token when locally attached or the unit-of-work ID (UOWID) that is part of the ISC/IRC attach-header.

For MRO or ISC, unit-of-work ID combined with netname uniquely identifies a task, because UOWID is unique only to the originating CICS.