Bottleneck analysis control display

To display the bottleneck analysis control panel, select the Bottleneck Control option (I) on the Control Options menu or enter fast path O.I from any panel.

Figure 1. Bottleneck Analysis Control Panel (O.I)
 ________________ ZCDSET   VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu 
> A-RTA On      B-RTA Off     C-RTA Status     D-RTA Intervals    E-RTA Scaling
> F-ONDV On     G-ONDV Off    H-ONDV Status    I-Bottleneck Ctl   J-Wait Reasons
> K-INTR Ctl    L-IANL On     M-IANL Off       N-IANL Settings    O-IANL Groups
> P-Collection  Q-Shutdown    R-RLIM On        S-RLIM Off         T-RLIM Status
  U-SMF Status  V-ATF Filters W-ATF Status     
>                         BOTTLENECK ANALYSIS CONTROL

> Current bottleneck analysis status displays below.  To start or stop the
> collector, enter START or STOP in place of SET.  To modify cycle timer,
> short-term interval, long-term interval, or display threshold, enter the new
> values over the current ones following SET.

 DEX  SET   CYCLE=2.0   SHORT=10   LONG=999   THRESH=10   VBS=1000   XST=NO
              Bottleneck Analysis Control Information 
+      Status  . . . . . . . . :   Active 
+      Start time  . . . . . . : 15:29:06    Start date . . . . . . : 08/16/99
+      Short term interval . . :    10 MN    Long term interval  . . :   999 MN
+      Cycle timer . . . . . . :  2.3 SEC    Display threshold . . . :      10%
+      Variable bucket count . :        0    Variable bucket limit . :     1000
+      Short term elapsed time :   22 SEC    Long term elapsed time  :   22 SEC
+      Short term cycles . . . :       12    Long term cycles  . . . :       12
+      Exclude system tasks . . . :    No

To start or stop collection, enter Start or Stop in place of SET next to DEX on the panel.

To change the cycle timer, short-term interval, long-term interval, display threshold, variable bucket limit, or exclude system task setting, enter the new values over the current ones, following SET.

  • The exclude system task setting indicates whether system tasks are to be included or excluded from bottleneck analysis. Specify a value of NO to include system tasks, or specify a value of YES to exclude system tasks.
  • The cycle time is expressed in seconds with a range from 0.1–9.9.
  • The short-term interval is expressed in minutes with a range from 0–999. A value of zero clears the bucket on every timer cycle.
  • The long-term interval is expressed in minutes with a range from the short-term interval to 999. A value of 0 prevents the bucket from being cleared. A value of CLEAR for either interval clears the buckets.
  • The threshold is expressed as a percent from 1–99.
  • The variable bucket count is the number of variable buckets that bottleneck analysis has allocated.
  • The variable bucket limit is the maximum number of variable buckets that bottleneck analysis can allocate. The value may range from 0–32767. If bottleneck analysis runs out of variable buckets, overflow buckets are used. These overflow buckets do not distinguish among different resource names, and display as *OVRFLW* by PDEX.
  • If you change the short or long-term interval, the accumulators are cleared.

    To view and change the display indicators for the wait reasons, select the Wait Reasons option (J) on the Control Options menu or enter fast path O.J from any panel. A partial display of wait reasons for a system is shown in the following figure:

    Figure 2. Control Bottleneck Analysis Wait Reason Buckets Panel (O.J)
     ________________ ZCDLST   VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03
    > PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down     PF11 Zoom
    > A-RTA On      B-RTA Off     C-RTA Status     D-RTA Intervals    E-RTA Scaling
    > F-ONDV On     G-ONDV Off    H-ONDV Status    I-Bottleneck Ctl   J-Wait Reasons
    > K-INTR Ctl    L-IANL On     M-IANL Off       N-IANL Settings    O-IANL Groups
    > P-Collection  Q-Shutdown    R-RLIM On        S-RLIM Off         T-RLIM Status
      U-SMF Status  V-ATF Filters W-ATF Status     
    +      BLST  On/  Resource  Resource  Issuing    Wait Reason
           ID    Off  Type      Name      Module     Description
    +      ----  ---  --------  --------  --------   ------------------------
    :      SY1W   ON  (none)    (none)    DFHDUIO    DU: Dump dataset I/O
    :      SY2W   ON  (none)    (none)    DFHTISR    TI: Timer service rq
    :      DLCN   ON  (none)    DLCNTRL   DFHDBCT    DBCTL: Work element 
    :      DLCO   ON  (none)    DLCONECT  DFHDBCON   DBCTL: Connection 
    :      DMUT   ON  (none)    DMWTQUEU  DFHDMWQ    DM: Work queue
    :      LMQU   ON  (none)    LMQUEUE   DFHLMLM    LM: Lock request
    :      TCAL   ON  ALLOCATE  (varies)  DFHALP     TC: Session allocate
    :      TDAB   ON  any_MBCB  (varies)  DFHTDSUB   TD: I/O Buffers
    :      TDAR   ON  any_MRCB  (varies)  DFHTDSUB   TD: VSAM String
    :      DLIN   ON  AP_INIT   CSADLECB  DFHSII1    AP: DLI Restart
    :      TCEC   ON  AP_INIT   ECBTCP    DFHAPSIP   AP: TCP Synchronize
    :      DMEC   ON  AP_INIT   SIPDMTEC  DFHAPSIP   AP: DM Synchronize
    :      TCVC   ON  AP_INIT   TCTVCECB  DFHSII1    AP: TC Restart
    :      CSAS   ON  AP_QUIES  CSASSI2   DFHSTP     AP: Stage 2 quiesce
    :      SHEC   ON  AP_QUIES  SHUTECB   DFHSTP     AP: Domain quiesce
    :      STPD   ON  AP_TERM   STP_DONE  DFHAPDM    AP: STP Complete
    :      CCV1   ON  CCVSAMWT  ASYNRESP  DFHCCCC    CC: Asynch request
    :      CCV2   ON  CCVSAMWT  EXCLOGER  DFHCCCC    CC: Exception logger
    :      DBCT   ON  DBCTL     DLSUSPND  DFHDBSPX   DBCTL: Suspend
    :      DBXE   ON  DBDXEOT   (none)    DFHDXSTM   DBCTL: XRF uncond
    :      DBXI   ON  DBDXINT   (none)    DFHXSTM    DBCTL: XRF interval
    :      TCCO   ON  DISPATCH  CO_TCB    UNKNOWN    DS: Concurrent TCB
    :      TCQR   ON  DISPATCH  QR_TCB    UNKNOWN    DS: Quasi-reent TCB
    :      TCRO   ON  DISPATCH  RO_TCB    UNKNOWN    DS: Resource own TCB
    :      DLIW   ON  DLI       (varies)  DFHDLR     DLI: Initialization
    :      DSHA   ON  DS_HELD   AMXT      UNKNOWN    DS: AMXT Bound
    :      DSHM   ON  DS_HELD   MXT       UNKNOWN    DS: MXT Bound
    :      FCBF   ON  FCBFWAIT  (varies)  DFHFCVR    FC: VSAM Buffer

    You can control whether bottleneck analysis displays statistics for a particular wait reason by entering On or Off in the On/Off column next to the Resource Type. This option affects the display characteristics, not the actual collection of data.

    Ten buckets are reserved for Third Party Product Support (TPPS) products. These buckets have BLST IDs ZTP0 through ZTP9. The first third party product that incurs a wait in a specific CICS® region gets ZTP0; the next third party product to incur a wait gets ZTP1, and so on.

    If you use the BLIST ID with either YES or NO in the Bottleneck Analysis section of the Global Data Area makes your changes permanent. For example: