START command

Use the START command to start a subtask under the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270).

These are the tasks that you can start:
  • Dedicated sessions
  • RTA
  • ONDV
  • DEX
  • XMIT

Most of the parameters that are specified have defaults taken from the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) or from the task being started. You can change some of these defaults by modifying the OMEGAMON® user data module.

If you stop OBVTAM, any OMEGAMON sessions running under it also stop, and you must restart them manually.

This is the command to start the task history subtask from the z/OS® console:

F cccccccc,START KOCBGR,CICS=cccccccc
Where cccccccc is the started task name you specified for the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) during your product configuration.

A subtask can also be started by placing the START command in a member of the rhilev.RKANPARU library and starting it using the EXEC command.

For examples of the START command for the internal bottleneck collector and response time collector, see rhilev.RKANSAM(KOCIDEX) and rhilev.RKANSAM(KOCIRTA).

Use the following command to start a dedicated session: (See Table 1 for a description of the parameters.)
F cccccccc,START KOCCICS [,CICS=cccccccc]
Where ccccccccc is the started task name you specified for the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) during your product configuration.
Note: Changes to the FSCR parameter can disable the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270).

An example is provided in rhilev.RKANSAM(KOCIDED).

Use the following command to start OBVTAM:

F cccccccc,START OBVTAM [,APPL=cccccccc]
Where cccccccc is the started task name you specified for the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) during your product configuration.

An example is provided in rhilev.RKANPAR(KOCVTMnn).

The application ID specified with APPL=cccccccc must be defined to VTAM®. To run multiple copies of OBVTAM, use a unique APPLID for each copy.

The parameters specified with the START OBVTAM command become the defaults for any OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) sessions created by OBVTAM in response to LOGON requests.

To change the default value or any other command at LOGON time, use the DATA keyword of the LOGON command to override it. The CICS® parameter (the job name of the target CICS) can be specified through the DATA keyword at LOGON time, as in the following example.

You can specify the items enclosed in brackets ([ ]), but many have defaults that need not be specified. Table 1 shows the START options for OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) and OBVTAM.
Table 1. START options for OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) and OBVTAM
Parameter Value Description Default
APPL cccccccc Up to eight character VTAM application name to be used by OBVTAM. Name must match the ACBNAME specified in rhilev.RKANPAR member KOCVTMnn. Must also be specified in SYS1.VTAMLST. KOCVTMnn
AUP YES or NO Specifies whether or not the OBVTAM sessions are to be in automatic update mode. NO
CICS cccccccc The name of the CICS to be monitored.  
COLS 80, 132, or 160 The number of columns on the screen; use for dedicated mode. Derived from VTAM or CICS terminal definition
DATA YES or NO Specifies whether a log on data string is used. DATA=NO allows logon with VTAM interpret table names. YES
DC Y or N Specifies whether the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) compresses the 3270 data stream before it is sent to the terminal. Y
FOLD Y or N Indicates whether the password should be folded to uppercase or not. Y
FSCR cccccccc Specifies the first screen space to be displayed. The default is ZMENUI.

If the command that you want to run is a security protected command, then the AUTHLIB= statement in RKANPARU(KOMSUPDI) needs to be commented out and pointed to the authorized screen space library. This option allows you to run protected commands as part of the initialization screen without entering a password. Verify that the authorized screen space library is concatenated into your hi.lev.PROC DD statement. The authorized screen space library is not an APF-authorized data set, rather it is an AUTHLIB data set. IMPORTANT: Changes to the FSCR parameter can disable the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) user interface.

LROWS 99–9999 The number of logical rows. The LROWS parameter is always larger than or equal to the ROWS parameter. 99


Indicates dedicated mode.

Indicates OBVTAM mode.

PASSPHRASE passphrase Specifies the passphrase support setting. Valid values are PARTIAL, MAX62, FULL, NO/NONE. NO
PRTCT cccccccc The password of the VTAM application ID to be used by the OMEGAMON VTAM collector. (Required with VTAM mode if applid has a password.) User-specified
PSWD cccccccc The password required to be entered by the terminal user to be able to log on to the OMEGAMON VTAM collector. If PSWD is not specified, anyone can log on to it. User-specified
ROWS nn The number of rows on the screen; use for dedicated mode. Derived from VTAM or CICS terminal definition
SAFAPPL secclass Specifies the name of the optional SAF application ID for OMEGAMON 3270 Classic interface security. CANDLE
SECCLASS secclass Specifies the name of the SAF security class for OMEGAMON 3270 Classic interface security. OMCANDLE
SYS cccc The four character system ID to be displayed on the INFO-line. sysid
TIMEOUT nn Specifies the number of minutes until OMEGAMON stops the idle VTAM mode sessions. The value can be any number from 0 through 99. Specify 0 if you do not want VTAM mode sessions to time out. 0
UMAX 01–99 The number of sessions the OMEGAMON VTAM collector can have. The more sessions that are specified, the more storage required. 5
UNIT cuu The unit address of the OMEGAMON terminal (used for dedicated mode). User-specified
USER cc The user profile identifier. /C