Controlling file level statistics

You can dynamically control the collection of access statistics for VSAM, DLI, and third-party database products.

For these products, you can decide whether you want only statistics by task or you also want to collect statistics by file or database. For DB2®, only task statistics can be collected. For VSAM, task statistics are always collected if CICS Monitoring is active, but you may decide whether you want file statistics. Select the Collection Control option (P) on the Control Options path (Main Menu option O) or enter fast path O.P from any panel to access the Database Collection Control panel as shown in the following figure:

Figure 1. Control Database Collectors Panel (O.P)
 ________________ ZCCOLL   VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu

>A-RTA On     B-RTA Off    C-RTA Status     D-RTA Intervals    E-RTA Scaling
>F-ONDV On    G-ONDV Off   H-ONDV Status    I-Bottleneck Ctl   J-Wait Reasons
>K-INTR Ctl   L-IANL On    M-IANL Off       N-IANL Settings    O-IANL Groups
>P-Collection Q-Shutdown   R-RLIM On        S-RLIM Off         T-RLIM Status
>U-SMF Status V-ATFFilters W-ATF Status     
>                        CONTROL DATABASE COLLECTORS

> To change status of a collector, enter ON or OFF over the current values
> displayed below:

+      Product   Task-lvl  File-lvl  Write to  Write to  Remote  
+      Name      Monitor   Monitor   ONDV      SMF       Files   
+      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
:      VSAM      ON        ON        ON        OFF       OFF     
:      DB2       ON        N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A     
:      DLI       ON        ON        ON        OFF       N/A     
:      IDMS      ON        ON        ON        OFF       N/A     
:      ADABAS    OFF       OFF       OFF       OFF       N/A     
:      SUPRA     OFF       OFF       OFF       OFF       N/A     
:      DATACOM   ON        ON        ON        OFF       N/A     
:      MQ        ON        ON        ON        OFF       N/A     
:      USREVNT1  OFF       OFF       OFF       OFF       N/A     

This panel controls the collection of file statistics for online historical displays (ONDV) and SMF records. One line displays for each product specified in the global module. You can turn on or turn off monitoring for each product by over typing the current value with ON or OFF.

You can collect task statistics without collecting file statistics. If you turn off task statistics, file statistics automatically turn off. If you want to turn on file statistics, you must also turn on task statistics.

The file statistics for DB2 are not collected, but you may decide whether you want DB2 task statistics.

The task statistics for VSAM are collected as long as CICS Monitoring is active. Therefore, the task-level field for VSAM is only informational.

The Write to ONDV and Write to SMF columns refer only to file level statistics. The task level statistics are always written as long as task level monitoring is ON.