Using INITPARM instead of CICS JCL changes
OMEGAMON AI for CICS lets you minimize the JCL changes to monitored CICS regions.
Add a
definition for the hilev.xKANMODR
library. Member hilev.TKANSAM(KOCCSD) contains an example. During initialization processing
OMEGAMON® dynamically allocates the hilev.xKANMOD
equivalents of the load libraries that are allocated to the new LIBRARY.
must be APF authorized.Modify the CICS® region
data to provide the new definitions. In the example that follows, the INITPARM
data used in OMEGAMON AI for CICS is shown
The parameters passed
to KOCOME00 in this example are as follows:
Parameter | Meaning |
RETRY(tt,cc) |
Specifies the behavior of OMEGAMON when the common interface is not available. OMEGAMON will attempt to connect to the common interface every tt seconds, for a maximum of cc times. Specifying RETRY(tt) means that the retries occur on the specified interval, with no limit. This parameter is optional and can be used to replace the OCCIREQ DD function. |
KC2_XMIT=nn |
The equivalent of the RKC2XMnn DD card, previously specified as a DUMMY DD. The value of nn must be between 00 and 15. The default is 00. This card controls the common interface region that this CICS will establish a monitoring session with |
The equivalent of the RKCPXMnn DD card, previously specified as a DUMMY DD. The value of nn must be between 00 and 15. The default is 00. This card controls which OMEGAMON AI for CICS agent this CICS will establish a monitoring session with. |
The equivalent of the KC2GLBcc DD card that was previously specified as a DUMMY DD. The card specifies a global data area that is used to specify the monitoring options for your CICS region or regions. |
The LIST parameter is used to control the display of
diagnostic messages. Typically these messages will only be requested by IBM Software
Support. |
The parameters are used to generate DD cards which are dynamically allocated, thus removing the requirement for JCL changes in your CICS regions.
An additional benefit of
the new feature is that it offers the ability to dynamically change your definitions while CICS
is running. If you started OMEGAMON in CICS with a KC2_GLOBAL=51 and realized later that you
meant to use KC2_GLOBAL=52 you can now make the change dynamically. You would need to ensure
that all sessions which are monitoring the target CICS region are ended, and then recycle
OMEGAMON from a terminal or console by entering the following commands:
To stop OMEGAMON, followed by an INIT
which specifies the new global
parameter:OMEG INIT,KC2_GLOBAL=52
Alternatively you can use the
command which is a combination of a REMOVE followed by a RECYCLE:
You could also, if necessary, add the
Since the
REMOVE step dynamically deallocates the existing DD cards, as well as the RKANMOD load library
concatenation you can also dynamically add maintenance to your regions. If you performed
the following steps:
- Disable the OMEGAMON LIBRARY definition, and DISCARD it.
- Make any required changes to the LIBRARY definition.
- INSTALL the modified LIBRARY definition