OMEGAMON AI for CICS provides numerous predefined situations to issue alerts that help you monitor activity in your CICS® regions. These situations check for conditions that are typically considered to be problematic or noteworthy.
- Application Bundle situation
- Application Bundle Part situation
- Atom Feed situation
- Business Transaction Services Analysis situations
- Connection Analysis situations
- Database Analysis situations
- Dispatcher situation
- Dump Analysis situations
- Enqueue Analysis situations
- Enterprise Java Analysis situations
- Event Processing situation
- Exit Program Analysis situations
- Java Program Analysis situation
- Journal Analysis situations
- JVM Analysis situation
- JVM Server Analysis situation
- LSR Pool Analysis situations
- MQ Connection situations
- Pagepool Summary situations
- Recovery Manager Analysis situations
- Region Overview situations
- Response Time Analysis situation
- RLS Lock Analysis situation
- Service Level Analysis situations
- Service Task Details situation
- Storage Analysis situations
- Task Class Analysis situations
- TCP/IP Analysis situations
- Temporary Storage Analysis situations
- Transaction Analysis situations
- Transient Data Analysis situations
- UOW Analysis situations
- URIMAP Analysis situations
- VSAM Analysis situations
- Web Services Analysis situations
- XML Transforms situation
To obtain information about each predefined situation, see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal expert advice given for each situation.
Each predefined situation addresses a specific problem. You can use these situations:
- To immediately monitor your CICS regions
- As models for creating your own situations
- To monitor and manage, through localized automation, widely dispersed resources
Most of the predefined situations have an alert status of either Critical or Warning. You can view which managed objects in Tivoli Enterprise Portal have triggered alerts by selecting the Business tab of Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
Using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, you can change conditions, relational operators, and compare values in these predefined situations to ones more appropriate to your environment. You can also modify the predefined situations provided for use with Tivoli Enterprise Portal. If you choose to change a predefined situation, change a copy, and preserve the original situation in the form in which it was shipped.
For more information about creating and using situations, see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help. For information about the various attributes used in predefined situations, see Attributes.
Situations are expressions of system conditions you want to monitor embedded in IF-TRUE statements. This means that if the specified condition exists, then this situation is true. Most of the predefined situations are set to issue an alert whenever a threshold reaches either critical or warning limit.
You can use these situations to monitor particular conditions for your CICS regions. For example, you might want to monitor for total disk space available less than 25%, an excessive number of unsuccessful logon attempts, or a printer out of paper.
- In situations, an individual attribute is denoted by attrg.attrn, where attrg is the name of the attribute group and attrn is the attribute within that group.
- When referenced in a situation, spaces in both the group name, the attribute name itself, and the situation name are replaced with underscores.
- Note that predefined situations shipped with this version of this product are not set to autostart. The autostart status of existing situations (situations from V4.1.0 or previous versions of this product that you are migrating from) is not affected.