Securing OMEGAMON AI for CICS Take Action commands

The OMEGAMON AI for CICS has the capability to use Take Action commands against specific CICS® resources. These Take Action commands might be as a result of requests from an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface request, a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user request, or a defined situation using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

These Take Action commands can be secured using the RTE_SECURITY_CLASS parameter, which is defined for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface. When you specify this class and it is not set to the reserved name, OMEGDEMO, the OMEGAMON AI for CICS agent uses this class to validate a users authority to issue commands. The RTE_SECURITY_CLASS parameter is described in OMEGAMON® shared documentation Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 2.