Reporting on groups of CICS Regions: CICSplexes

In the enhanced 3270 user interface, you can group CICS regions into reporting groups or CICSplexes and view data summarized at the CICSplex level.

Data for the CICS® regions within a CICSplex, which can span multiple LPARs, is summarized and provides quick isolation of problems. For example, you might want to view all your payroll CICS regions as a single entity. You could separate these payroll CICS regions not only by department but also by geography.

The CICSplex Rules and Agent Preferences panel lets you configure the way CICSplexes are handled. It has three subpanels:
  • The Default CICSplex Processing subpanel lets you specify the order for CICSplex processing.
  • The Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes subpanel lets you create and change rule definitions.
  • The Preferences For All CICSplex Agents subpanel lets you enter the parameters that determine which agent becomes the CICSplex managing agent.