OMEGAMON infrastructure: Tivoli Management Services

OMEGAMON AI for CICS uses the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure.

This infrastructure provides security, data transfer and storage, notification mechanisms, user interfaces, and communication for products in the IBM® Tivoli Monitoring and IBM OMEGAMON suites.

Tivoli Management Services includes the following components:
  • Tivoli Enterprise Portal
  • Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
  • Tivoli Data Warehouse and the warehouse proxy
  • Tivoli® Management Services: Engine (TMS:Engine, TMS:Persistent Data Store)
  • OMEGAMON monitoring agents

It's important to understand the components of Tivoli Management Services and how they work together with the OMEGAMON products. The OMEGAMON shared documentation has an Overview of the components of Tivoli Management Services.

A Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) acts as a collection and control point for alerts received from the monitoring agents, and collects performance and availability data. The Hub TEMS correlates the monitoring data collected by agents and remote servers and passes it to the TEPS for presentation and evaluation.

For more information, see Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in the OMEGAMON shared documentation.

OMEGAMON monitoring agents are located on monitored or managed systems. The agents collect data and pass it along to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. From there, the data are displayed in a Tivoli Enterprise Portal client or in the enhanced 3270 user interface.

Monitoring agents can compare the current values of monitored properties against a set of defined conditions (situations) and trigger alerts or actions when these conditions are met, to alert you to potential performance issues. The agents can execute actions relayed to them from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and enhanced 3270 user interface clients by the Hub TEMS.

Note that each OMEGAMON AI for CICS monitoring agent needs to establish a connection to the Hub TEMS, using the defined protocols. The agent needs this connection to retrieve configuration information as well as to be able to request data for other agents for CICSplex-wide data collection.

For more information on OMEGAMON monitoring agents, see Monitoring agents. For more information on connecting agents to the Hub TEMS, see How to: Connect agents on local RTE and agents on remote RTEs to the Hub TEMS.

This illustration shows the components of the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure:
Figure 1. Tivoli Management Services

Not all components are required for OMEGAMON AI for CICS. For example, you do not have to have Tivoli Enterprise Portal or Tivoli Data Warehouse installed in your environment to run OMEGAMON AI for CICS.

Some components of Tivoli Management Services, such as Tivoli Enterprise Portal and the Warehouse Proxy and Summarization and Pruning agents, run on distributed systems (Windows or UNIX). The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the Tivoli Data Warehouse can run on either distributed or mainframe systems. The IBM Tivoli Management Services: Engineand Persistent Data Store run only on mainframe systems.