CICSplex UOW Enqueue Analysis attribute group
The CICSplex UOW Enqueue Analysis attribute group provides a summary of the current units of work in a CICS region.
CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case-sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.
Enqueue Failures Indicates the total number of enqueue failures that have occurred against this UOW. The value format is an integer of maximum four bytes.
Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 characters, that is case-sensitive.
When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.
System ID Indicates the four character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case-sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.
Time Shunted Indicates the total time, (accurate to three decimal places) that each UOW has been shunted, pending resolution. The value can be entered in the hh:mm:ss.ddd format, for example, 00:20:00.567 or as sssssss.ddd, for example 1200.567. If you are using variable substitution, the value in this example would display as 1200567. The value format is an integer of maximum four bytes.
Transaction ID Indicates the Transaction ID that started this unit-of-work. The value format is an alphanumeric string of maximum four characters.
UOW ID Indicates the unit-of-work identifier. The value format is an alphanumeric string of maximum 16 characters.
UOW State Indicates the state of the unit-of-work. These are the values:
- Forward
- Indicates a decision to commit the UOW has been made, but the UOW is waiting or has been shunted. Look at the wait state of the UOW
- Backward
- Indicates that the UOW is being backed out, or has failed to back out one or more recoverable resources involved in the UOW
- Indoubt
- Indicates UOW is in the indoubt phase of 2-phase commit processing
- Inflight
- Indicates UOW is running normally
- Heur_Fwd
- Indicates the UOW has been forcibly committed
- Heur_Bwd
- Indicates the UOW has been forcibly backed out
- Unknown
- Indicates the UOW state is unrecognized
Wait State Indicates the wait state of the unit-of-work. These are the values:
- Active
- Indicates the UOW is running normally.
- Shunted
- Indicates syncpoint processing for the UOW has been deferred and the UOW has been shunted. The task and related storage have been freed but the locks associated with the UOW have been retained.
- Unknown
- Indicates the UOW wait state is unrecognized.
- Waiting
- Indicates that syncpoint processing has completed on this local CICS system, but not on all systems involved in the distributed UOW.