CICSplex Terminal Storage Violations attribute group
CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.
Origin Node The combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case sensitive.
When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.
Storage Violations Indicates the number of storage violations associated with the terminal. The value format is an integer of maximum four bytes.
System ID Indicates the four character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.
Terminal ID Indicates the four character terminal identifier from the Terminal Control Table (TCT). The value format is an alphanumeric string of maximum four characters.