CICSplex Task History Status attribute group

The CICSplex Task History Status attributes provide information about the status of the Task History collector.

Boundary Adjustments Number of times the index allocation has changed since the task history collector was started.

CICS Region Name Identifies the name of the CICS region that is being monitored.

Cross Memory Posts Number of times the CICS region has detected that the Cross Memory Buffer is becoming full and prompted the task history collector to catch up. This value is accumulated since task history was started. A high value may indicate the XM_BUFFER_RECORDS value is too small.

Current Index Allocation Indicates the current percentage of Data Store index allocation. An initial value of 40.0% indicates that the datastore has not yet wrapped. This value automatically adjusts to maximize the utilization of the data store.

Cycle Time Cycle time in seconds.

Data First Logical The first logical address of Data record.

Data First Physical The first physical address of Data record.

Data Last Logical The last logical address of Data record.

Data Span The span of Data.

Data Store Records Indicates the the current number of transactions contained in the datastore.

Data Store Size Physical size of Task History Data Store.

Data Store Type Type of Data Store used by Task History collector. Valid values: DataSpace=D, File=F

Data Store Wraparound Number of times Data portion has wrapped since the task history collector was started.

Display Requests Number of user display requests.

Index First Logical The first logical address of Index record.

Index Last Logical The last logical address of Index record.

Index Wraparounds Number of times index portion has wrapped since the task history collector was started.

ONDV Global Version Indicates the internal version of the ONDV Global control block.

Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes

Pause Date and time when Task History collector was last paused.

Processing Mode Indicates the processing Mode that Task History is using. SRB indicates the processing is eligible for zIIP if available.

Primary Records Number of transaction records in the Data Store.

Reserved Size (Dataspace Only) Specifies the portion of the data space (from 0 to 50 percent) reserved for file, database clock and counter statistics, and Application Trace records. You must specify a number greater than 0 or statistics by filename and or Application Trace records will not be available from the task history collector.

Resume Date and time when Task History collector was last resumed.

Secondary Records Number of segments of data used for statistics for file or database requests or application trace data in the data store.

System ID Four-character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex.

Start Date and time when Task History collector started.

Status Current status of Task History collector. A value of Unknown may indicate that either the OMEGAMON component in the CICS region is not initialized or the OMEGAMON CICS classic address space is not active.

Task Records Indicates the number of task records in the datastore.

Task Data Records Indicates the number of segments of data used for statistics for file or database requests or application trace data in the data store.

Time Newest Transaction Date and time of newest transaction in the Data Store.

Time Oldest Transaction Date and time of oldest transaction in the Data Store.

Time Span Time between the oldest and newest records in Data Store.

Transaction Records Received Total number of transaction records received since the task history collector was started.

VSAM Dataset Data set name of the VSAM file.