CICSplex Task Class Analysis attribute group
The CICSplex Task Class Analysis attributes provide details about the transaction classes defined to CICS. They enable you to see how close your CICS systems are to the limits set for the number of tasks in a given class. Use the Task Class Analysis attributes in situations to monitor activity for a specific transaction class. If the percentage for a class consistently runs at 100%, it indicates that tasks defined in a class are not initiated because the maximum number of tasks in a class has been reached. If CICS is under utilizing the processor resources, you might want to consider an increase in the class limits to allow more work to flow through the system.
These attributes provide data for the Task Class Analysis table view.
Attach Requests The total number of tasks that had executed and are currently executing in this class. The value format is a positive integer.
Average Queuing Time Indicates the average time spent waiting by those tasks that were queued. This metric does not include the wait time for tasks that are currently queuing. The value format is a number of seconds, to three decimal places.
CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.
Class Limit Indicates the maximum number of tasks allowed to run in the transaction class. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
Class Name Indicates the transaction class name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum eight characters.
Current Tasks Indicates the current task count in the transaction class. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
Number Queued Indicates the number of transactions that are queued. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
Oldest Task Queuing Duration Indicates the average time spent waiting by the oldest task that is currently queued. The value format is a number of seconds, to three decimal places.
Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case sensitive.
When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the system changes the status of the item accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.
Peak Tasks Indicates the highest number of active and queued transactions. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
Percent of Limit Indicates the number of active tasks in a class divided by the class limit. The value format is a percentage in the range 0-100.
Percent of Queue Limit Indicates the number of queued tasks in a class divided by the queue limit. The value format is a percentage in the range 0-100.
Purged Immediately Indicates the number of tasks which were immediately purged due to purge threshold being reached. The value format is a positive integer.
Queue Limit Indicates the maximum number of tasks that are queued. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
System ID Indicates the four-character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.
Tasks Purged while Queuing Indicates the number of tasks which were purged while queuing. The value format is a positive integer.
Times at Limit Indicates the number of times the transaction class limit has been reached. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
Times at Purge Threshold Limit Indicates the number of times at purge threshold limit. The value format is a positive integer.
Total Queued Indicates the total number of tasks that were queued. This metric does not include tasks that are currently queuing. The value format is a positive integer.
Total Queuing Time Indicates the time spent waiting by those tasks that were queued. This metric does not include the wait time for tasks that are currently queuing. The value format is a number of seconds, to three decimal places.